Chapter Four

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My eyes widen as Tyson's lips fall upon mine. His eyes are closed and his hands rest on my waist gripping onto me like I was his lifeboat and he was sinking from The Titanic.

I put my hands on his shoulders pushing me away but he wouldn't budge he only deepens the kiss. He bites my lip hard making me wince and open my mouth. He quickly darts his tongue in, my brain telling me to push him away but my heart is telling me to stay.

I shake that off and try pushing him away again but Tyson lifts me up and sets me on his lap and starts trailing his lips along my neck and down to my shoulder blade.

"Tyson please stop. I'm not ready for this. Please let's just work on our project." I plead as he moves my shirt and hair as he lightly blows on the skin sending shivers down my spine.

"Aaliyah do you trust me?" He asks looking up at me. I shake my head no but Tyson just shakes his head laughing.

"Trust me babe, I'll have you trusting me by the time I'm done with you." He says smirking. "And that's a promise."

My mouth opens a jar to ask what he ment but my words get blocked by a soft moan that escapes my lips from my liking. I can feel Tyson smirking against my skin as he lifts my shirt up and throws it across the tree house.

"Just relax your mind Aaliyah just like how your body is." He says tugging my pants off and trails his nails along my thighs making me wince from the pain.

"Ty please get off me, I'm still a virgin and I won't be able to satisfy your needs." I say as I start to panic and squirm as his body lifts from mine and he starts taking his clothes off.

"Babe, we're going to change all of that just trust me I'm not going to hurt you. It'll be fast and won't be painful at all." He says laying back onto me.

I shake my head and open my mouth to scream, but Tyson's hand claps over it and he shakes his head smiling and bends down and lightly kisses the tear that escapes.

"Believe me Aaliyah when I say I love you and have wanted to do this since the first time I saw you." He whispers against my ear.

I whimper, as he slowly but harshly enters me making me cry against his hand as he smiles and kisses my cheek over and over again as his body rocks against mine.

"It'll be over soon baby. I love you so much."

"You need to leave." Tyson says throwing me my shirt as he pulls his back on.

"What? But we haven't even started the project yet!" I say as Tyson walks over to his jacket hanging against the hook and takes out a packet of cigarettes.

"Remember you said you could do it on your own?" He says bringing the cancer stick to his mouth. "Besides Hannah is coming over and you need to be gone before she sees you."

My mouth falls open. Not because he just lit a cigarette infront of me, I could care less if he got cancer and died, but because he's throwing me out just after what we did or well what he did. He's making me feel more shitty then he already does at school and now he wants me to just finish the project myself because he got what he wanted.

"I'm too far from home and the tracks are on the other side of town Tyson."

"Call a taxi or sleep in the woods for all I care you just need to be gone and off my property before I call the cops and they escort you themselves." He says casually.

I shake my head, the next set of tears welling up in my eyes already. I walk over to the later and climb down. I look up at the tree house once I hit the bottom and like expected, Tyson wasn't even watching me leave he was too busy spraying the treehouse with fabreeze.

"Used and confused." I mutter under my breath walking off his property with my head down. "Just like always I am just a toy."

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