He Can't Be. . .

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As Aorah turned, feeling the eyes staring into her soul, she bumps into a boy. His face contained a scar along his jawline. His hair was a dark brown that glistened from the lights in the office. His skin was a tanned color and his eyes were a dark emerald green.
He clicked his tongue once he caught her staring into his eyes. Blushing she turned to look away not knowing what to say.
"I. . . I'm sorry. I should have been watching where I was going. Please excuse me." She said apologeticly. "Yeah, its alright I guess", he said coldly. She didn't want to allow him to think she was admiring him so she walked passed him. As she passed him caught a hint of his scent. He smelled like gunpowder and metal which was odd yet familiar. She looked back watching his figure fade into the crowd of students. Aorah shook herself out of her trance hurridly going to her class. She walked by room after room. Class after class. Beginning to get bored she felt she wanted to go to the library. So she turned around trying to find the library. She walked and walked but nothing came close to looking like a library. As students walked by she saw a girl sitting all alone reading. The girl had jet black hair, fair skin and a small frame. Aorah didn't want to look weird just standing and staring so she walked over to the girl. Aorah was a few feet away when a boy bumps into her knocking Aorah to the floor. Aorah's papers and bag had fallen spreading out all over the tiled floor. Aorah grunted as her bottom came in contact with the tilled floor. She looked towards her bag and quickly tried to pick up her papers worried that someone might try to take them and run off. The boy did nothing but watch the small girl fumble on the floor ruining her dress and heels. His blonde hair covered half of his face as he watched her.
Students stopped to watch her while whispering and commenting on how the blonde boy was supposed to help her. He did not care what the other students were saying but was wondering how and why can one measily little girl bump into him and not be begging him for forgivness. He coughed attracting Aorah's attention. She glared at him, her eyes turning a bright greenish brown. He looked taken aback but immediatly fixed his form when she turned to grab the last slivers of paperwork. As Aorah was about to grab the last packed of paper another hand was just about to pick it up. The hand was feminine and small. Aorah dragged her eyes along the hand, up the arm, to the face that was mere inches from hers. The hand belonged to the girl that Aorah was trying to talk to. The raventte picked up the paper and helped Aorah off the ground. Aorah smiled saying thank you to her. The ravenette said nothing but nodded in response to Aorah. Black hair, blue eyes and full lips was what Aorah catagorized as beautiful so she spoke, "Hello, what's your name if you don't mind me asking. My name is Aorah." The ravenette leaned closer to Aorah sniffing her slightly before abruptly kissing her cheek. Aorahs face reddened in shock as the other students gasped. The blonde just stood there confused, before pulling on Aorahs shoulder making her face him. He glared down at Aorah making his presence intimidating. Aorah wasn't phased one bit so she glared daggers at the very rude blonde. There was a group of boys that were behind him looking at him in utter shock. Aorah took notice of this. She sighed and began speaking to him like he was a child, "Listen child, I have business to attend to so I would strongly suggest you and your possy run along and go play big boy somewhere else." The crowd gasped at Aorah choice of words. The blonde didn't back away instead stepped forward yanking Aorah's hair. She gasped at the sudden contact but kept her glare. "I don't know who you think you are, little girl, but this is my school and I want you to get on your knees and beg me for mercy." He demaned. Aorah giggled evily. Her giggles turned into laughter. "You. . . . .want me. . . On. . . My . . . Knees? Hahaha!!!! That's . . . .priceless. . . " Aorah said in between laughs. He let go of her hair confused by her sudden outburst of laughter. "Holy button mango juice. . . That was funny. . . . No, I'm sorry, that was immemsly hilarious. This is the best joke ever. Oh, God help me." She burst into laughter again holding her stomach. The ravenette giggled at Aorah's reaction. Then the crowd of students began to record the events as more came to watch the scene unfold. Aorah's laughing died down and she began speaking in a serious tone, "I will never bow to scum like you. You are a man of low self esteem. Men like you deserve punishment. How dare you!?! Demanding a princess to bow to YOU," she pointed at his feet trailing it upwards towards his face. She continued, "and beg for mercy? Child, I am the one showing you mercy. The reason I have not beaten you to a pulp is because I have more urgent matters to attend to and dealing with you will be wasting my time. Now if you excuse me I would like for you to beg me for mercy for I would not regret beating you to a puddle of shame." The blonde stood there more angry with the ignorant girl than he ever was before. She stood tall although she was smaller than him. He didn't usually hit girls but this one was pissing him off. He walked up to Aorah. At this point the ravenette backed up a little. "I said bow to me you imbecile of a girl" he yelled at her with a slap to her face. The crowd gasped and backed away slowly. Aorah's eyes became a dark green feeling the area he hit pulsate. Aorahs anger nearly got the best of her but she had to keep control. The black haired girl that helped Aorah backed up into a wall. Aorah looked back at the ravenette politly asking her to hold the heels for her. The ravenette nodded quickly grabbing the heels and backed up to the wall. Aorah took a deep breath, cracked her knuckles, neck and wrists. Chuckling Aorah shook off the left over pain that he caused to her face. The blonde boy got into a fighting stance bracing himself. Aorah took this as an invitation so she spoke, "you really think you can fight royalty child. You are nothing but a little boy and this princess is about to give you your punishment. Are you sure you don't want to start begging me for mercy, you degenerate pig sow." The blonde growled, "that's it" and charged at her. Aorah simply dodged his fist amd slapped him with a little more force than he hit her causeing him to twirl in the air while landing farther away than from where he started. She smiled as his body was on the floor. The blonde got up looking at Aorah with fear showing in his eyes. He stammered running to his possy. They moved out the way and looked back at the princess. They were in shock but they knew not to mess with the kings daughter. Aorah muttered curses under her breath so no one could report the profanity to her soon to be father-in-law.The female students all cheered running toward Aorah. Aorah nodded, dusted her clothes and put her heels back on. The females all wanted autographs from Aorah so Aorah thanked the ravenette that held her heels for her then started signing papers, posters, pens, shirts, and stuff the girls wanted her to sign. The ravenette was able to slip away from Aorah without her noticing. Yet, Aorah had to sign alot of stuff even while walking in class.

-----------TIME PASS-----------

As she sat in her homeroom, most of the female students still wanted autographs from her. Aorah is a decendant from royalty after all and that scene in the courtyard made nearly every student drool over her. The male students just sat back and adored her presence. Aorah gained compliments and glances but was never bad mouthed. She didn't really like being the center of attention but it was something to pass the time.
As Aorah was signing the last girls poster, a man with in all black walked through the class room door.

Micheal Knight

The prince of hunting in his family. The man of her dreams. The man that is supposed to marry her on her 19th birthday. He was tall and his shoulders were broad. His figure was built under the black dress shirt and slacks. His black hair was slicked back with gel. His grey brownish eyes were the most alluring thing on his face. If he looked at anyone, they may fall in love with him not wanting to let him go. His jawline was square and defined. His lips were thin allowing his face to look even more handsome.

His eyes continued to scan the room. Aorah knew ecactly who he was because of his scent and his identification mark. Though his identification mark is his eyes, which causes people to want to be his mate he never used his powers on Aorah. Though this may sound and be crazy, although the two are of royal decendants they have families that are different from the rest of the world. They both have a secret that has to be hidden from the public at all times. This is something that most of the world has been hunting for 97 years now. These royal beings are both Ultimas. Ultimas are the rarest of werewolves. They cannot be found or captured. If they are found, the pack will come and do what they can to save each other but if captured, they are as good as dead. Her family and other Ultimas are well known for their power and each having their own identification marks.

Aorah smiled at her potential husband. He didn't seem to notice since he was looking around the room. Eventually his gaze landed on Aorah.

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