My Testimony♡

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I was born in a Christian family. My grandfather being a pastor himself, brought his children to the Lord.

One of these children, is my mother. My mother had me at a very young age and since she was young and had other things to do with her life, I mostly grew up with my grandparents. I don't really remember how things were back then, but the only thing I know is that I spent my childhood with my grandparents which explains why I call them mother and father and my own parents by their names.

At the age of eight, I used to go to church. But to me church was just another place of distraction, I didn't know the importance of going to church. At that age I didn't even know who God was. I was a little girl and I didn't care about these things. I just followed my parents wherever they were going.

But everything started at the age of thirteen.

At the age of thirteen I started thinking. Thinking about life and just everything else including the existence of an invisible God. School was difficult for me because of all the judgments, critics and insults, my life was just not perfect. I used to find comfort in wordly music and everything bad in this world. In other words my life was empty, but I didn't know it yet.

I discovered the Internet and everything about society, and that's when insecurities came in my life. I hated myself. I wanted to look like the girls I was seeing on instagram. I wanted to take pictures like them, look like them and most importantly dress like them. And I started. I did what my heart desired. I wore clothes that weren't modest and started wearing make up, the need to do what my other friends were doing was burning me inside. I wanted to be like them, I wanted to have a boyfriend like everyone. And don't forget that I was only thirteen.


One day, I still don't know why, but something told me to take my mother's Bible and read. The first book I read was the book of REVELATIONS, the last book of the bible.

I read it.

And that day was the first time I cried while reading His word. I cried because I felt the words, I cried because I knew my soul was in darkness, I cried because I knew I was a sinner who deserved to perish in hell for eveything I did in my life.

But even though I knew how much my soul was in danger, I ignored His word for once again.

Months later my mom got sick. She had my little brother and something happened to her. At only 30 she got paralyzed. It was a facial paralysis. It was horrible. I saw my own mother's beautiful face changing. Her whole face was paralyzed. She once called my grandfather and told him something. She told him what she truly saw in the hospital.

At night when she was in the hospital, she saw a man walking in front of her. I don't know if it was a man or something else but it sure was a bad spirit. You may not believe that the devil exists, but trust me I saw and heard things coming from my own family that could bring shivers down your spine.

But that day I didn't believe of course. She was dreaming, that's what I said.

But little did I know the same thing would happen to me too?

Yes a month later, I got the same thing. I also got paralyzed at the age of fourteen. It was in summer break so I was always at home. My life was normal, everything was just normal but one day I started getting headaches, I started feeling weirdly. I searched for the symptoms on the Internet and that's when I knew the same thing was going to happen to me. I told my parents, they didn't believe me, I told my dad I was getting sick but he shouted at me saying I shouldn't joke about these kind of things. But a few days later, it started showing. My face was changing. The left side of my face was completely paralyzed.

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