"chapter one"

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"See you later, Jimin."

"Later, Tae," Jimin mumbled as he stepped out of Taehyung's house and onto the sidewalk just at the end of the driveway.

"You know you don't have to walk right? I can always drive you home," Taehyung suggested while leaning against the door frame of his, still open, front door.

Jimin shook his head. He'd made this trip many times and it was beginning to get dark anyway, he knew his friend disliked the darkness.

"It's good, don't worry. Plus I'm 17 anyways. I think I can walk home safely," he tried reassuring Taehyung who laughed lightly in response for he was slightly relieved Jimin didn't agree to being escorted home at this time of night.

"Guess you're right," Taehyung mumbled with an awkward laugh, "Well, take care, Jiminie."

"I will...and quite with the nickname, will you?"

"I make no promises."

This began Jimin's 15 minute walk back to his house. He had made this trip numerous times, having being best friends with Taehyung since he was little. Spending more time at his friend's home then his own.

Jimin was always pretty bored making his trip back to his home. He didn't really have to much to come home to anyways with living alone in a tiny apartment.

Living alone was just so boring, so lonely. Jimin hated feeling lonely.

Since he moved out of his parents place, Taehyung had offered many times for Jimin to live with him yet everytime Jimin would politely decline. He didn't want to feel like a burden for his friend or Taehyung's grandmother whom he lives with.

"Watch where the hell you're going, punk."

Jimin looked up quickly being startled by the sudden voice of the stranger he hadn't even bumped into yet. As he looked up he realized it wasn't just one stranger, but two.

One male who had spoken had dark hair while the others looked to be some shade of purple. Both men had dark eyes and pale skin. Clad in mostly all black they were rather intimidating. The fact that there seemed to be no one else in the area didn't help that fact either.

"S-sorry," Jimin stuttered, still weary of the taller men looming in front of him.

The guy with the purple hair reached over and grabbed Jimin's face, forcing him to look up towards him. The stranger seemed to observe Jimin's face with an intense gaze before smirking slightly and speaking,

"He's cute. Doesn't look like he'll put up much of a fight either."

He chuckled slightly, almost wickedly, before forcing Jimin's head to turn to the other man while voicing a "What do you think?"

"Stop it, God dammit," the other snapped, moving Jimin's face out of the other stranger's grip only to grab him by the collar and throw him into an alleyway.

Jimin collided with a trashcan. He had no idea what was going on. All he knew was that he needed to go and he needed to go now.

blood sweat & tears//m.yg x p.jm//vampire auWhere stories live. Discover now