The Charms Corridor

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    "I just don't get it, Gin," Ron persisted. "Why don't you just say yes to Boot? You know he's crazy about you, and he's an okay guy. You'd have a fun night, even if you're not interested."

"I told you," Ginny retorted. "It'd be too weird. I don't know Terry well enough." She kicked a Gobstone across the tile as the two siblings hurried down the Charms corridor.

"Just go with someone you're actually friends with, then!" Ron groaned. "Seriously, it's not that hard. I know Neville asked Hannah Abbott this year- and they're only friends."

"Nah, all my guy friends are going with someone already," Ginny muttered evasively, staring at something in the distance. Ron's eyes followed hers, and she quickly tore her gaze from a mane of yellow hair topped with a star-spangled tiara.

But it was too late. "Ha! Get a load of Loony- does she think she's a princess or some shit?" Ron cackled. He raised his eyebrows at his sister, expecting an answering laugh. He definitely didn't expect a hard shove that sent him flying against the wooden door of Flitwick's classroom.

"Ginny, what the hell?" Ron shouted after Ginny as she ran away. He followed her swiftly and caught her arm just as she reached the corner where Luna stood.

"Oh, hello, Ginny!" Luna trilled airily as she turned. "Oh- and Ron."

"Hey, Luna," Ginny responded casually. "I like your crown."

"Oh, it's a diadem, actually, but thanks very much!" Luna smiled brightly and invitingly. Slowly, Ginny's smile grew to reflect Luna's bright light. Her warm brown eyes locked with Luna's clear blue ones, and she started to gain the courage to ask her question. "So, um-"

"What the hell's a diadem?" Ron interjected. Ginny quickly broke her stare to throw her brother a furious look.

Luna's dancing blue eyes turned lifeless as she looked at Ron. "Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem is a legendary object, said to bestow immeasurable wisdom on its owner. Of course, this isn't the real one- I just made my own interpretation of it. Someday I hope to recreate the diadem entirely. I'll need a bigger stock of Dirigible Plums, though." With that, Luna wandered down the corridor and was whisked away onto a moving staircase.

"Thanks a lot!" Ginny whirled around to her brother. "You've been nagging and nagging me to find a date to the Yule Ball, and now you butt in on my one chance?"

Ron stared at her, uncomprehending. "Have you gone mental? You want Loony Lovegood to take you to the Ball?"

Ginny flushed. "I- well- um, well, you said I might as well go with a friend, and she's the best one I've got," she countered. "And her name is Luna!"

"Yeah, a friend," Ron snorted. "I meant someone a little more normal. Not Princess Loony Ravenclaw, with her dirigible diadem of immeasurable wisdom or whatever the hell it is."

"You shut up!" Ginny started to storm away. "I've made up my mind. If I don't go with Luna, I'm not going to the Yule Ball at all!"

The Yule Ball (Luna x Ginny)Where stories live. Discover now