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"Okay, everyone split into pairs and spread out!" Harry directed the DA meeting from the front of the room, watching the pairs form with an expert eye. Ginny saw Hermione expectantly offer a hand to her. "Partners?"

"Hermione, I'm really sorry, but I have to go find Luna. I- have something I want to tell- ask her," Ginny apologized as she dashed across the room to that tiara-clad yellow head. Hermione watched her go, shaking her head with a small laugh.

"Hey, Luna, do you- oh!" Ginny exclaimed as she bumped slightly into Luna in her haste to arrive.

"Oh, hello, Ginny dear!" Luna smiled dreamily. "Would you be my partner? I'm not sure anyone else wants to, you know. I asked Lavender, but she just called me 'Loony.'"

"Luna, I'm sorry," Ginny placed a comforting hand on Luna's arm. "Of course I'll be your partner, though! You're my friend!"

"Oh, a friend! That's so nice. I've never had one of those." Luna floated a few feet away and readied herself to receive Ginny's charms.

"Actually, Luna, I wanted-"

"Less chatting over here, ladies!" Harry burst in. "I know you want to brag about how many people have asked you to the Yule Ball, Gin, but you have spells to be practicing." He gave her a knowing smile to show that he was joking, and Luna let out a joyful laugh. "Now, why don't you two practice that Silencio spell? Ginny's big mouth could use it." Harry cuffed them both on the top of the head as he walked on.

"I like Harry," Luna observed in her airy way. "He's so funny! And he must be right, I'm sure you have tons of dates to the Yule Ball. You're so pretty, you know."

"That's actually what I've been meaning to talk to you about!" Ginny burst out.

"About how pretty you are?" Luna looked up at her innocently.

"What-- thank you-- I-- wait-- no, no! I wanted to ask you about the Yule Ball. Would you-- well, are you going?"

Luna laughed, with sadness in her sapphire eyes. "Oh, no, nobody's asked me, you know. But I can help you to pick your dress, and your date, if you don't have one yet."

Ginny stared down at that blond head, clad in stars. "I don't have a date, not quite. But I have somebody in mind. Actually, Luna, I wanted to ask you--"

"GINNY!" Harry shouted. "Let's hear that Silencing Spell, now!"

"Oh, damn it!" Ginny exploded. "SILENCIO! Luna, will you go to the Yule Ball with me?"

Too late, Ginny realized her spell had struck more than just her Charming partner. The entire room had fallen silent from the force of her magic, and every member of the DA had heard her shouted profession. Ginny flushed at the deafening silence. "Finite Incantatem," she grumbled, wishing she could disappear.

The Silencing Spell had been lifted; Ginny could hear the breathing, the footsteps, the general noise of the crowd. But still, no one was talking... they just kept staring. Ginny looked away, her eyes locking on that familiar sight- the starry crown. And just below, Luna's face shone just as bright.

"Oh, Ginny, I'd love to!" Luna smiled, oblivious of the surrounding silence. "Why is your face so pink?" She reached a hand to Ginny's cheek, cupping it and giggling when Ginny flushed even darker.

In answer, Ginny pulled Luna in and kissed her, one hand tangling in her beautiful golden hair below the diadem.

The two stood locked together even as they heard the hoots and shouts of the DA. They had broken their hush at last. "All right, break it up!" Harry shouted. Luna pulled away shyly, and everyone returned to practicing their charms, chattering excitedly.

But Luna stayed at Ginny's side, letting Ginny's arm wrap around her waist. Luna leaned into Ginny's ear to whisper something, and her gold locks tickled Ginny's face.

"I thought it was so nice to have a friend. But, you know, I think it's even nicer to have a girlfriend."

The Yule Ball (Luna x Ginny)Where stories live. Discover now