"Shall We?"

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    "Oh my god," Ginny said, staring in the mirror. "I can't do this."
    "Gin, what are you talking about?" Hermione appeared at her side in the mirror. "You and Luna have been inseparable over these past two weeks. It's kind of adorable," she laughed. "I know you'll have a great night."
    Ginny spun to face her friend, agonized. "But it's all so new! I could totally ruin it all tonight! And besides, I know I'll look stupid..."
    Hermione grabbed Ginny's shoulders playfully. "Are you kidding? Look at yourself!" She turned Ginny back to the mirror. "You look badass."
    Ginny examined her reflection, a little heartened. The navy blue jumpsuit contrasted strikingly against the vibrant red of her hair, which was newly chopped to just chin-length. Her eyes twinkled under the dark makeup, and she could almost see what Hermione meant.
    "I still don't feel like it's enough," Ginny sighed. "You know Luna. She'll look otherworldly tonight. I'll never deserve her, I know, but I'm really feeling it right now."
    Hermione gave her a quick squeeze and then walked across the room. "Maybe you just need to add one finishing touch," she said. "Here, this seems like it would match up to Luna's style! Close your eyes."
    Ginny felt Hermione's hands brush the nape of her neck, just below where the last strands of her short hair ended. Her eyelashes fluttered open and she peered in the mirror. A tiny crescent moon sparkled just above Ginny's collarbone, on the end of a golden choker.
    "Hermione," Ginny breathed. "Thank you. It's so perfect." Ginny hugged her friend, eyes dancing again.
    "Now, go get your princess," Hermione smiled. She gently shoved Ginny out of the dormitory and the two made their way to the Great Hall, where Ginny would meet Luna. Ginny crossed her arms to hide the shaking in her whole body, as well as the deep V of her jumpsuit which suddenly left her feeling exposed rather than empowered. The girls reached the Hall, and Ginny scanned the crowd desperately, while struggling to appear casual.
    Ginny felt a feather-light tap on one of her folded arms. The golden girl had suddenly appeared beside her, right where Ginny had always hoped she would be. "Ginny, love, you look so beautiful!"
    "Luna," Ginny gasped. "Are you kidding? Have you seen yourself?" In response, Luna glanced dreamily down at her dress. She spread her arms and spun once, letting the sparkly silver fabric ripple out around her. The air seemed to shimmer around Luna as Ginny took her in. Bright yellow slippers peeked out from under the hem of the dress. The starry diadem rested on a small braided crown of Luna's hair, while the rest of her hair flowed down to cover her otherwise-exposed back and shoulders.
    She was ethereal.
    "Yes, the dress is so lovely!" answered Luna brightly. "Shall we?" She reached gently for Ginny's hand and, fingers intertwined, the two entered the Great Hall.

The Yule Ball (Luna x Ginny)Where stories live. Discover now