Chapter 30

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The next week flew by. Tyler is leaving tomorrow. I'm extremely upset. I don't want my brother to leave. Him being here these past two weeks has made me realize how much I've missed him.

He's my best friend. He's also the first person to beat the shit out of me, but not hurting me.

I sat up in the bed and looked over at Alex. He sensed my movement and rolled over to me, but he stayed asleep. I got out of the bed and made my way to Tyler's room. I knocked and he told me to come in.

"Hey." I said, smiling.

He smiled back, "Hey Di."

He always called me babygirl or Di. When I asked him why all he said was 'its cute and fitting.' I giggled and went over to sit on his bed. "You all packed?" I questioned.

He shook his head and laughed, "no." "I didn't figure you did." I laughed, "Maybe you should get started? What time is your flight tomorrow?" He looked at me, "Ready to get rid of me? My flight is at 6 but I've been told to be there at 3:30." My face dropped. "No. Just so we're not scrambling around at midnight trying to pack everything," I scrunched up my face, "and ew. That's early."

He laughed, "I know. I'm sorry Di, it's the latest they could get. I have to be there early so I can get back to Navy life." He laid back and sighed. I crawled up beside him and laid back as well. I rolled over to face him. I poked his cheek. He looked at me, "Just like old times huh?" I laughed, "Yeah. Stupid nightmares."

*flashback; Delilah: 5 Tyler: 7*

*unknown POV*

Delilah shot up in her play pen, the same one she'd slept in since she was one. Her parents spent all their money on drugs and going on vacations, so they never bought her a 'big girl bed'.

Her parents hadn't come home that night so going to their bedroom for comfort was useless.

She stood up and looked at her snoring brother. "Ty?" She asked, he stirred and continued sleeping. Silent tears streamed down her face. She crawled over the side of her playpen and onto Tyler's bed. She shook him, "Ty?" She asked, her voice cracking. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

Finally focusing on Delilah's face he pulled her into a hug, "Was it that nightmare again?" He asked her. She nodded. "Delilah, calm down. You're shaking." She pulled back and he wiped her tears. He laid back and pulled her beside him. After a while she finally quit shaking and fell back asleep.


Once she woke in the morning she poked his cheek, waking him up. "Are you alright now?" He asked her. She nodded and smiled at him. She wrapping her small arms around her brother, "Thank you Ty." He smiled.

One might find this odd, but it had become a regular thing since the fire. Delilah's nightmares were constant, but at the age of 9 her nightmares finally left her.


Tyler fell back asleep and I felt my eyelids droop. I rolled over, faced my back towards him and went into the nightmare I hadn't lived since I was nine.

I stepped into our old room an gasped. I was seeing myself at five years old. Then I was shoved into my five year old body. I was reliving the fire again. Just as I had about very two weeks at the that age.

I was seeing my parents and brother die, though. They weren't safe. Tyler was screaming for me and I was trying to get him. I needed to save my brother, although he never loved me. I was running towards him, at tops speed. Every time I got close, the fire would seem to get further away. At one point I did get to it, burning my fingers, but I was thrown back.

Eventually a fire man got me in the back of a ambulance and they stuck a needle in my arm and my five year old world was black.

I woke up later in the hospital and they broke the news of my families death and I was out into a foster home.


I shot up. Tyler gripped my arm. I turned with my fist raised. He caught it and pulled me into a hug. I shook violently. "Delilah calm down!" He whispered in my ear, but I barely heard him. I couldn't think. "ALEX" he called, I heard footsteps pounding towards the room. "She's having a panic attack, she had them when she was younger. I know how to calm her, but I need help. Do you know how to handle it?"

I guess he said yes because next thing I knew I was in Alex's arms and Tyler was sitting on the edge of his bed. I was placed in Tyler's lap next, Alex placed his hands on my head and pushed it down in between my legs.

I fought it, but Tyler had learned. He held my flailing limbs next to my waist, taking my cast into consideration, and he wrapped his legs around mine. My breathing slowed and I slowly quit shaking. Alex released my head and cupped my cheek. He wiped the tears that had fallen and kissed me.

I turned to my brother and hugged him. "Thank you. Thank you so much. I don't want you to go." I pulled away, looking him I the eyes. "I'm sorry, but I have to. It's for your freedom." He laughed. I cracked a smile. "I know. Well. I'm hungry." They just looked at me. "What. Having traumatic event replay in my mind and panic attacks have always made me hungry." I spoke. "She's right." Tyler piped up.

We laughed and Tyler went downstairs to make breakfast. Alex pulled me into our room. "What was all that about?" I felt my cheeks heat up. "It's something I'll have to tell you about tomorrow when he's gone. It deals with the other thing that I have to tell you when he leaves." He simply nodded.

I kissed him, "I love you, and it will always be there. Like the stars in the sky. You may not always see it, but it's there." He chuckled. "And I'm never saying that again. That was mushy and gross." He laughed even harder. "But I do love you." I smiled, kissed him and we headed downstairs for breakfast.


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't written in a while. I've been busy and a lot of things have happened. I'm back though!

I'm currently watching Charmed! :D

Anywho. Everyone should read Damages by _totalbandgeek_ !!

962 reads and 70 votes?! OMG. You guys mean so much to me, thank you for reading it so far. It really does mean a lot. Thank you.❤

Much love,


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