Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: trouble above ground

(Your POV)

Today was the day I got to go on my first patrol on the surface, I was super excited yet... I was really scared.

I keep hearing about this supposed clan called the foot clan who is lead by a guy named the shredder, from the stories my brothers and sensei have told me he seems really scary. I gulped as I equipped my weapons and my egg bombs.

"(Y/n)? Are you ok? You seem tense" I was snapped out of my thoughts as I turned to see Donnie looking at me worriedly.

"Y-yeah I'm fine... just a bit scared.... what if we encounter shredder and he tries to hurt you guys or tries to hurt me?! I don't think I would be able to help.... I'm not as strong as you guys and I-"

"Stop saying that.... you are very much capable of defending both us and yourself, I mean you beat raph and Leo and their the strongest of the team! Plus... as sensei said, negative thoughts only distract you from the task ahead..." he said cutting me off, I looked at him and smiled happily, I wrapped my arms around his waist embracing him in a hug and he wrapped his arms around my waist too, returning the hug.

"Thank you Donnie... that really helped a lot" I said smiling as I hugged him.

"Your welcome... now let's go, the others are waiting for us" he said letting me go and motioning to the others who are waiting patiently.

I nodded and we headed towards the others, I smiled at them and they smiled back. Leo motioned us to follow and we headed towards the manhole that lead to the surface, we climbed the ladder and was greeted by the beautiful night sky.

I followed behind Leo as we climbed the fire escape onto the roof of a tall apartment and got into our positions.

As I said before, tonight we were on patrol for any Kraang, foot clan, purple dragons activity. Basically anyone who is a bad guy we take care of them.

I sat on the edge of the rooftop and swung my legs as they suspended in the air.

I heard a shing of metal and I turned around, seeing a tall male human wearing a Kuro Kabuto standing behind Leo aiming his wrist blades at Leo's back, my eyes widened and i jumped up.

"Leo watch out!" I shouted as Leo went to turn around when shredder brought down his blades towards Leo, I ran faster and ran in front of Leo, bringing up my (f/w) in front of us making our weapons clash.

Shredder pushed me down toward the ground with tremendous force but I threw my leg upwards kicking him in the stomach, he stood up and I upper cut him under his helmet.
He stumbled back clutching his jaw slightly.

"You think you can defeat me that easily?" He said darkly as he sliced at me, I dodged but his blades scraped across my shoulder, leaving three deep cuts behind.

I winced in pain but kept my guard up, I ran at him and went to attack him, but he grabbed my (f/w) and say me towards an air vent.

The hit winded me slightly and I gasped for air.
I saw the guys fighting against him, their eyes burning white with rage.

I got up and threw a few ninja stars at shredder but he deflected them. They all lunged at shredder but he knocked them all away.

"LEO! DONNIE! RAPH! MIKEY! YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT SHREDDER!!!" I threatened shouting at him, my eyes burning white with rage as I ran towards him. I smashed my weapon against him, sometimes they would hit him but other times he would dodge.

He grabbed the top of my shell tightly and raised me into the air, I screamed loudly in pain, the others saw me and ran towards us with their weapons ready to attack.

"Don't take a step further! Surrender now or your... sister... will die!" He said unsheathing his wrist blades and making them hover in front of my neck.

"Don't do it! Go! Run!" I shouted but they ignored me and dropped their weapons. Shredder cackled and punched me directly on the stomach.

My eyes widened and I coughed loudly, after he punched me he slammed me into the ground and threw me off the building, my vision grew blurry as darkness consumed me.

"(Y/N) NO!!!" They all screamed grabbing their weapons and attacking shredder, Leo jumped off the building with Mikey's nunchuk chains attached to his ankle.

He caught me and used his free hand to grab the chain, the chain stopped suddenly and Mikey pulled us up.

(Raph's POV)

"(Y/N) NO!!!" we all screamed as we got our weapons and attacked shredder furiously, I saw Mikey attack the chain of his nunchuk's to Leo's ankle and saw Leo jump off the building to catch (y/n).

My eyes burned white as I seethed with anger.

"YOU HURT MY SISTER!!!! NOW YOUR GONNA PAY!!!!" I screamed as I sliced at shredders face, he dodged but I kicked him in the stomach and punch him in the chest, he flies back hitting the wall and he grunts in pain.

"This is not the last time I will see you...." he growled as he ran away retreating from the fight.

Soon Leo came up with (y/n) I'm his arms, a small bit of blood fell from the corner of her mouth as scratches, bruises and cuts showed on her skin and plastrom.

"We need to get home stat!" Leo ordered as we nodded and ran home as fast as we could.

(Time skip)

We raced to Donnie's lab and Leo placed her on one of the lab beds. Donnie went straight to work as he carefully placed medical tubes on her and placing an oxygen mask over her mouth.

The three of us stood there in shock, sadness and anger. I felt most of the anger, Mikey felt most of the sadness as tears furiously fell down his face and Leo felt most of the shock, he was shocked that his sister was hurt right in front of him and he couldn't have been able to do anything.

'Please be ok (y/n)....' I thought as tears started falling down my face too, Leo started crying too. I fell to my knees and watched as Donnie furiously typed on his computer and kept running between (y/n) and medical kit, I sobbed silently and brought my hands to my face.

'Shredder will pay for this! I will stop at nothing until he's dead!' I thought angrily, although... I sat there and felt the feeling of hope grow inside of me, hoping she'd be ok....

(End of chapter 6 trouble above ground)

Oh no~! What do you think will happen to (y/n)? Do you think she'll survive?
Leave a comment and a vote down below and I'll see you! In the next chapter... bu-bye~!

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