Chapter 4

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"Hello, this is Jaehee Kang" you heard on the other side of the line.

You walked in a fast pace out of your appartment - or rather Rika's - and across the street. With Jaehee's advice at your fingertips, you already felt much better and ready to face your problems.

"Hi Jaehee, it's MC! you replied, checking if any cars were coming before crossing the street.

- The opening is in about 5 hours, is there any problem?

- Well, not really. Sorry, for bothering you, but i've just been concerned about something and I wanted to ask you for advice..."

You then proceeded to explain to her the issue between Jumin and Zen. She listened carefully the whole time. As you arrived at the bus station, you finished your story.

"I see, Jaehee sighed, I understand your concern. It is well-founded, don't worry."

"Do you have any idea how to solve this? Maybe you could talk to Jumin, convince him to come..." you asked, a little shy hope in your voice.

"On the contrary, I think you would have more chance than me of convincing him. He does always turn to you for talks regarding business issues..." she commented, sharply.

Recently, Jumin had proposed the idea of us working with his company to help the coffee shop develop quicker. However, what offended Jaehee was that he didn't meet with both of us, but came straight to me for an answer. He claimed that he would have eventually told her afterwards, but she learned the news through me before that. Which did not please her very much.

"Yes, but that's only because he knows you'll refuse all of his offers to work alongside C&R International, I objected. But I understand. Of course, someone who just quit a job wouldn't want to immediately hop back in the same company, even with a different position.

-You are right, but it was not a reasonable way to negotiate things. We will talk about that later, now we have to think about the opening. I still think that it would be better for you to ask Jumin directly, Jaehee insisted. I can come if you want, of course. We can talk about it, the three of us, together".

For some reason, this didn't seem like such a good idea to you. Now that Jumin wasn't your dear Jaehee's boss anymore and after the business incident, you had a feeling things could get ugly.

Finally, you agreed to talk to him like she advised and convinced her that she didn't need to go through the trouble of coming too.

However, before going to see the two guys and solving the problem immediately, you found yourself walking toward Jaehee's house. It was still early after all, you could go take care of your business later. For now, you just longed Jaehee's presence. You thought it wouldn't hurt anyone to pay her a visit before the opening.    

  ~ ~ ~   ~ ~ ~   ~ ~ ~ 

OOPS- its been a while since i updated the fic ;-; so sorry

i wrote the chapter so long ago, but i didnt want to post it yet cuz im such a perfectionist.. and also cuz nobody reads it lol

idek why i wrote this fic in the first place

its fun tho so i wont stop yet 

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