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2 years had passed, me and Ludwig were married happily.

something had changed through the course of 2 years and that was his madness.........he decreased his madness when our dear Hanzel was born, we cherished Hanzel very much and Ludwig absolutely adored his little boy; his mad little boy.

Your POV

"Hanzel time for sleep!" I shouted happily while lil Hanzel scurried into his bed yawning

"mommy mommy say the goodnight for me! oh please mommy!" Hanzel cheered while Ludwig was at the door smiling finally having a family he loved dearly.

"of course my lil angel" I began to sing the goodnight "now it's time to say goodnight, goodnight sleep tight now the sun turns out his light, goodnight sleep tight dream sweet dreams for me dream sweet dreams for you" I smiled to see my lil boy already asleep........

The End?

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