Sleep deprived - Narry/Ziall AU

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This is the first one! Yes it's a Narry/ Ziall. I hope you enjoy!!!! I didn't plan any of this. I just kind wrote so yeah. Sorry if its all over the place. Please comment, vote, and fan/follow! Much appreciated!!!

~~Olivia 💜


******Niall's P. O. V.******

I paced the living room. A quickly glance at the clock told me it was half past 2 in the morning. I couldn't sleep for the life of me.

Harry was up in our room, looking as adorable as ever. His mouth slightly open as his curls covered messily over his forehead and the pillow. Light snores were more than likely escaping his pink lips.

I sighed picturing him. Why can't I sleep!?! I mentally yelled at myself even though I knew the answer.


Harry was beautiful, don't get me wrong, but no one could compare to the olive skinned man.

Zayn, Zayn Malik.

That was his name. This gorgeous name that just rolled off my tongue with ease. I sighed frustrated.

I remembered the first time I ever laid eyes and the lad. I work as a photographer. It was his first day on the job. I personally thought he should have been the one being photographed not taking the photos.


I sat there at my computer working on the new logo for our client. They were some really important popular band. I moved a few things around and sighed. It still didn't look quite right.

"Excuse me. Gentlemen, the few of you that are here," I hear my boss chuckle. I looked up from my computer and looked over at the other two men working. The three of us made up the graphic design team.

I didn't bother looking at my boss. He was probably going to give us another pep talk. I scoffed under my breath.

"I would like ALL of your attention. That means you, Mr. Horan," I blushed at my bosses words.

Damn him, I thought. I looked up to see everyone's eyes on me. My blush got deeper as a mumbled out a sorry to my boss. I finally looked up at Mr. Darcy, my boss. That's when I noticed him. Zayn Malik. In all his perfect glory.

He had dark golden honey brown eyes and the way the shined with desire when I caught him staring. His perfectly quiffed up pitch black hair with its startling blonde strip. He was the most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on. Even more beautiful than..... My boyfriend.... Harry.

I quickly looked away from his amber eyes blushing even more if that was possible.

"This is the new photographer. His name is Zayn and I'm all sure you'll make him perfectly welcome. Right Niall?" My boss' voice breaking through.

"Awe come on!" I said throwing my arms up. "It was one time and the guy was a complete twat! He was bossy and pushy. I just simply put him in his place!"

Everyone laughed. They all had to be think about the time I curse out the last new kid for telling me, me who has been here the longest, how to do MY job.

My hearing zeroed in on Zayns laugh. It sounded like an angels giggle. I stared at his perfectly kissable lips as he threw his head back laughing. When everyone stopped laughing, Zayn caught me staring and smirked. I looked away quickly but obviously it was too late. I cursed myself.

******End Of Flashback******

I ran a hand threw my already tossed hair. Damn that man for being damnably perfect.

Suddenly a pair of arms came around my waist. I screeched, in a manly way, and jumped ten feet in the air. A husky chuckle came from behind me before a pair of soft lips pressed themselves to my neck.

"Why so jumpy, babe?" I sighed hearing Harry's sleep husky voice.

I put a hand to my heart. "You fucking scared the living shit out of me, Haz!"

He smiled kissing the back of my neck again. "Sorry, Ni. You just looked so damn cute standing there deep in thought. I couldn't help myself."

I chuckled turning around in his arms. I smiled, placing my hands on his lean, muscular chest.

"Cute? Bunnies are cute, Haz. I'm not a bunny," I said mock serious. I furrowed my brow, trying my best not to smile.

Harry just chuckled. He nuzzled his nose into my neck. I tilted my head back giving him better access. He trailed open mouthed kissed up my neck to just below my ear. He sucked on the sensitive skin there. I bit back a moan.

"How about a very sexy bunny?" He seductively whispered in my ear. Pulling back to look me in my eye. I searched his for something. All I could see was love and adoration. That's when I knew.

I knew that he was the only one for me. Zayn maybe beautiful, but he doesn't love me like Harry does. I don't love him like I love Harry. Lust had taken over my mind and confused me. Now I knew though. Harry was the only one for me.

All the beautiful memories I had with Harry could never be competed with. My feelings for Zayn was purely lust. I loved Harry. LOVED him. Zayn could never compete with that.

"Love?" Harry asked, confusion clearl on his face.

I shook my head and smiled at him. "I think I can deal with being a sexy bunny as long as....." I trailed off with a smirk.

Harry smirked back and nuzzled my neck again. "As long as what?" He chuckled huskily into my ear.

"As long as I'm your sexy bunny," I smiled nibbling on his exposed shoulder, noticing for the first time that he was shirtless. He continued his assault on my neck finally making me moan.

I pulled his head back. "Haz?"

He looked at me with confusion again. "Yes, love?"

I smiled softly. "I love you more than anything, you know that right?"

Harry smiled back at me, showing off his dimples. "Of course, Nialler. You know I love you more right?"

I nodded. "So you say." I smirked.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "So I know." He returned his mouth to my neck. I moaned as he sucked some of the sensitive skin.

"Harry," I panted, but continued before he could answer. "Make love to me."

He growled softly against my skin, pulling me closer. "My pleasure."


Did you like it? I know it says Ziall and zayns not really in it but you know what? Niall was having doubts about Harry cause Zayn came in in all his perfectness and confused him. Tell me you've never been there! .... I have. Much Love!!

~~Olivia 💜

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