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Steve & Danny were excited about the possibility of becoming parents, & their future, They had no idea that their son, Charles "Charlie" William Edwards, was feeling a little bit jealous about the newest addition of their family. The Couple was wondering, if they can help him through this. They talked to their daughter, Grace Williams, about the problem, that they had. They were also hoping that she could help them with a situation.
"I think that Charlie thinks that he is gonna be replaced, & also that we won't love him anymore", The Young Girl said, as she was making a snack for her brother, so, he would know, that she is thinking of him, & about him. She knew what he was going through, cause she went through it, when he was.
"It's gonna be okay, Dad, & Danno, Charlie will know that we all love him, & that he is important to our family, He should feel being loved, & not jealous", Grace said, as she sets up the snack containing cookies, & milk. She turned to him, "I think that if you treat him like a big kid, He will act like one, & would want to help out a lot more too", Steve & Danny both knew that their child was right, & they need to set the record straight.
"I definitely don't want him to feel helpless, or worthless, I want him to be able to come to us with a problem", Steve said, as he looked at his lover, "He won't, & he will come to us, I know it". "I hope that you are right, I just hope that it's not too late", The Brunette said, & thought back to his own hellish experience, that he had under Wo Fat. "Please, God, Please spare my little boy from the experiences, that I went through, Please ?", he silently thought to himself, as he pray.
Grace saw that it's time to get Charlie from his neighbor's house, & she went next door, to get him, & bring him home, so they can talk about what he is feeling. Steve said with a smile, "It's gonna work out, You'll see", he was feeling confident, & Danny picked up on it, & said smiling, "Yeah, You are right, Everything will be fine". They were suddenly greeted by their children, who came back from their neighbor's.
"Hey, Buddy, Did you have fun ?", Steve asked his son, who looked at him sadly, & was still a little bit mad at him, "Come on, Charlie, Be nice, Okay ?, Let's have some cookies & milk, Then we will talk", The Young Boy nodded, & said, "Okay, Gracie", & they all went to the table, so they can have their snack, & have their family meeting. "Okay, I will start the meeting", Danny decided, as he relaxed a bit, before he started talking.
"I am afraid that I am not a good father to you guys, or a great partner to Daddy, Sometimes, It makes me so scared, I think I am gonna lose you, But, I am not, Cause Daddy reassures me that he loves me, & that he will always be there for me, If I need him, Also, You guys reassure me too, I take that love, & I am ready to be a daddy for a new kid, that needs a lot of love". Steve went next, & he said this to them.
"I was worried that you guys wouldn't like me, & that if you didn't like me, Then, Me & Danno couldn't continue our relationship, I just want to let you guys know that you are very important to me, & I love you so much, Always remember that", They leaned & hugged their other father, "We love you too, Daddy". Then Grace said, "I am afraid, or was afraid that I wouldn't be a great sister to you, But, I learned to trust myself, Now, There isn't anything that I wouldn't do for you", she said, as she ruffled Charlie's hair.
Charlie said with honesty, "I was afraid of being left out, It's my little brother or sister, I think I should be able to help", Grace, Steve, & Danny felt terrible about leaving him out, & they apologized to him for it. "You can help us with the baby", The Loudmouth Detective said, "Really ?", The Little Boy asked with excitement. "Sure, We are gonna need you & your sister's help, We promise to include you in everything from now on", Grace added, "Since, You are a big boy, Charlie, How would you like to go to the movies with me & Will next week ?", & he turned to his fathers, so he could get approval.
"Can I ?", He asked with puppy dog eyes, "Sure", The Two Men replied with a smile, & the little boy whooped with excitement, as he hugged his sister tightly, & then he ran off to play in his room, "You are the best sister, You know that, Right ?". "You sure are, Monkey, Thank you for being the best sister, & daughter, that we could ask for", "Anytime", She said with a smile, & then they all went to do their own thing.
Later that night, after making sure that Grace was all set before going to bed, Steve & Danny both spent time with Charlie, & read him a couple of stories, til he fell asleep, & they kissed him on top of the head, & Steve said, as he whispered, "Good night, Little Man, I love you so much", "Me too, You bring our lives full of joy", & they snuck out quietly, & went to their room, so they can get ready for bed too."I love you, Danno", Steve declared, as he kissed him passionately, & the blond detective returned with equal passion, "I love you too, Super Seal", after they got down with their routine, They settled down, & were ready to fall asleep, & have a great dream about the future.