Steve & Danny Collection #3: Realizing That Married Sex Was This Good !: Two:

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Steve & Danny couldn't believe that the first time, since they got married that they are having an argument, a stupid one in fact, The Loudmouth Detective thinks that Steve doesn't need to work anymore, & that he could provide them with the best l...

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Steve & Danny couldn't believe that the first time, since they got married that they are having an argument, a stupid one in fact, The Loudmouth Detective thinks that Steve doesn't need to work anymore, & that he could provide them with the best life possible, But, The Former Dancer/Club Manager wants to keep working, It keeps his mind sharp, & occupied, plus, he wants to contribute to their family, & he won't let Danny be the only one working hard, & not enjoying his life, He wants to help out, cause it's a partnership, & they are equals in the relationship.

One particular morning, They were avoiding each other, as they were fixing their breakfast, "I will be home on time, Cause I have to take Gracie to her dance class", Steve said with a neutral tone in his voice, "Also, If you can, Can you make sure that Charlie does some reading with you ?, I want him to be a little ahead of the other kids, I am gonna do it, But, Just in case, I don't get home in time, Would you ?", The Blond asked, "Sure", "Thanks," Danny said gratefully, & they finished up, & cleaned, Then, They closed, & locked everything up, & they didn't even kiss each other "goodbye", when they left for work.

Sheila knew that something was bothering her friend, "Ok, Sailor, What gives ?, What has your shorts all up in a bunch ?", as she poured him a cup of coffee, since it's morning. "Me & Danny are going through a snag, It's like every time, one of us does something, The Other gets pissed off, We are snapping, yelling, & just plan fighting all of the time, I am sick of it, I know that Danny is sick of it too, I just don't know what to do, I feel helpless, lost, & confused about this whole situation, that we are in, Please, Help me, Sheila, Tell me what should I do ?", His eyes implore her to give him the best advice possible.

"It's normal, You guys hit a snag, after going hot & heavy after so long, You guys are bound to get on each other's nerves, I think you Guys should take time for each other, & appreciate each other more, If you do that, You can have a successful relationship, & a wonderful life", Steve considers his friend's advice. He thanked her, & they went on with work.

Meanwhile, Danny was thinking about how things are between him, & Steve. "God, Things are so shitty right now, I don't know what happened, I just want things back to normal between us", he said thinking to himself. He was trying to focus on his paperwork, but couldn't, He needed to get some advice, so he went to find the others. He was hoping that they could help him figure out his marriage, & relationship with Steve. The Blond hates the snag, that they are in, & will do anything to save their relationship.

Chin noticed that Danny had a sad expression on his face, as he came over to them, "Danny, What's wrong, Brah ?", Lou said, "It looks like someone kicked your dog", as he looked at him with concern, Danny was trying to get control of his emotions, but it was an losing battle, Kono took charge, & had him sit down. They joined him, & gave him their attention. "Talk to us, Danny, Tell us what's going on ?, You know that you can tell us anything, Right ?", She hopes that he would tell him, Cause , She & the others couldn't stand to see him like that.

Steve & Danny Collection: (2nd in the Mobster Series):Where stories live. Discover now