Chapter 10

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Pretty soon after I get Lizzy into bed, she falls asleep. Cas and I go into the library so I can give any updates Sam didn't. I sit back down on the chair where I was before I heard the commotion from the kitchen, only I don't pick the laptop back up. Cas puts a hand on the table, but stays standing because he's stiff like that.

"So, what'd Sam want you to come by for?" I ask.

"What is Lizzy?" He looks me in the eye, dead serious.

"What do you mean, 'what is she'? She's human. Sam and I saved her about a week ago from demons that possessed her parents." I scoff. 

"I'm not sure that she's completely human, she felt like she had grace, but she wasn't an angel." He sits down across from me.

"Excuse me?"

"She wasn't an angel, but she didn't seem human either Dean. She's something more. Do you know why the demons possessing her parents wanted to do with her?" He presses.

"We don't know what they wanted, but I think they were working for Crowley." I answer slightly annoyed.

"Crowley?" Cas's face goes white. Cas never goes white, alarms start ringing in my head like a concert.

"Cas, what do you know?" I demand.

"Crowley found a out about a fallen angel that had a child, not a nephilim, but still not completely human. The fallen angel and the other parent are dead, but the child is missing. I think that Lizzy is what Crowley's looking for." Cas explains slowly, his face becoming more pained the deeper he goes into detail.

"What fallen angel?" I charge.

"Vassago" He mutters.

"Vassago?" I repeat. That sounds too familiar.

"Yes." Cas confirms. "You look like you know something too, what is it?"

"Hold on one minute, don't go anywhere." I push out of my chair and run to Lizzy's room. Quietly, I grab the folder from under her box and journal. I pause for a second, just to look at her. What's she gonna do? What's she gonna say? Will she want to go after whatever we find? Would it work if I don't tell her anything? I run off in my head. I sigh heavily and go back to the library, Cas is in the same spot as he was before I left, not that I expected him to go after I told him to stay put. I sit back down and open the folder. 

"Dean what is this?" Cas reaches for the papers.

"Don't touch it, I'm looking at it!" I pull away. "It's her birth certificate. 'Lizabeth Grace Vassago' that's her full name."

"Then there's no question that she's who Crowley's looking for. Vassago was a male, so he'd be her father. Maybe Crowley found a way to track her based off of something he gave her. Blood would work, but it wouldn't be as accurate as other items." Cas condemns. His lips press together, making a straight line.

"What you mean something he gave her, like a necklace?" I ask thinking about the freaking angel wing necklace Lizzy said her dad gave her. Cas nods. "How would that work better than blood?"

"The vessel has it's own DNA that passes information to the offspring, but it's mixed with the other parent and all of both parent's ancestors. If there is only a small amount of grace left, it's hard to find. If I didn't think something was wrong when Sam called, I wouldn't have been looking for anything, like the difference in Lizzy." Cas justifies. 

"Son of a bitch." I mumble under my breath. "She has a necklace her dad gave her, could someone track it?" I tense up more.

"Of course. You would just need a small piece of the necklace. Is there any piece missing?" He looks in the direction of Lizzy's room.

"I don't know. It didn't look like it, but that doesn't mean it's not possible." I bite my bottom lip. Please don't be missing a piece, please Lizzy. I beg in my mind.

"We should wake her and ask." Cas gets up. I stand up after him and grab his shoulder before he gets any further.

"No, she needs to sleep. We'll wait till she wakes up." I command. Cas's head bounces side to side as he releases a loud breath, clearly irritated.

"Fine, but as soon as she wakes up we can't forget." He agrees stubbornly.



Something makes my bed move slightly. The weight on the bed shifts, towards my feet. I barely open my eyes, like little slits. Dean sits on my bed watching me. Please don't be like Edward and watch me while I'm sleeping. I pray to my mind. He creases his brows, clearly worried about something, letting out a heavy breath, he looks to the door. I follow his gaze as best I can without moving, Cas stands by the light switch, his arms folded as he leans against the wall. He looks extremely uncomfortable. I decide to let them know I'm awake.

"What's going on?" I groan as I move slowly and stiffly, trying to be convincing. Cas unfolds his arms and walks closer. 

"Lizzy, we need to talk." He says.

"About what?" I sit up. Dean presses his lips into a firm, straight line like Cas did before they knew I was awake. 

"Your father." He answers.

"What makes you think I want to talk about him?" I start getting defensive. Who does he think he is? Just pops up, and wants to know about my recently dead parent. What gave him the right to ask about my life?

"Lizzy, please. This is important." Dean requests. 

"What do you want to know?" I ask cautiously.

"His full name." Cas snaps back speedily.

"Why would you want to know that?" 

"Lizzy please work with us." Dean pleads.

"Lindsey Robin Vassago." I answer. "Why would his name matter if he's dead though?"

"What was your mother's maiden name?" Cas ignores my question.

"Phoebe Jane Meyer, you happy?" I snap "Now tell me what's going on or I'm gonna hit someone."

"We think your dad was a fallen angel." Dean looks at me nervously. I stare back at him in disbelief.

"Come again? Are you crazy? He was an amazing dad but hands down one of the most boring people I ever knew, how could he be a fallen angel?" I clutch at my blankets.

"Your family's last name is Vassago. That's the name of a fallen angel. The dude gave you a freaking angel related necklace. I'm gonna go out on a limp, and say that he's the guy that fell from paradise." Dean tries to explain.

"No way in Hell. It doesn't make any sense." I try to rationalize.

"It may be hard to accept, but we believe it's the truth, and in that case the demon Crowley is looking for you. Trust us when we say you don't want him to find you." Cas condoles. 

"I-I think I need a minute." I look at my parent's wedding picture on my dresser. 

"Sure, just come out to the kitchen whenever you're ready." Dean nods. "It'll be okay, right?" He says. He takes Cas out of my room with him while I try to process the news. I need to research, and now. I tell myself. Slowly I stand up and walk out of my room to the kitchen to meet with Cas and Dean, if anyone can help me with this, it's them.

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