Chapter 12

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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated as fast as usual, but I've been getting kinda sick lately so my writing has slowed down. Also I did a decent amount of research on Vassago to try and give this story the same 'authenticity' as the show, but I still played with certain aspects. Lastly, I'm going to try and bring in the names of Lizzy and her family, because I chose everything fir a reason. Obviously, Lizzy's middle name is Grace for the whole fallen angel father deal, but her name and her parents names all have meanings that lay a small role in the characters background. Anyways that all, a usual, enjoy!


Lizzy takes everything surprisingly well, concerning the circumstances. Once she's calmed down from the thought of a reaper taking her parents, she claims that she's ready to hit the books. After asking her several times if she's really okay to dive into this, she brushes me off saying that she wants to know everything that she can, that she wants to help figure out what the deal is with her dad. The four of us all research in our own ways for a week, Cas asks around the angel radio and myths and Sam cracks open his laptop. Lizzy opens book after book, reading them twice as fast as Sam and I do on our own, but she remembers most everything she reads almost like a computer. I switch between books and online pages. But we only find so much about Vassago.

"Find anything new?" Lizzy carries in three mugs of coffee. She hands the first one the Sam, who nods as a thank you. She scratches her hand on his head, making his hair fly everywhere. 

"Hey!" He protests. Lizzy laughs at his attempts to fix his hair. She slips behind his chair and makes her way to me. 

"You're just a giant baby doll when it comes to your locks Sam-man." She shakes her head. She places my mug by one of the books I finished a few hours ago and sits down next to me, while she sips her own cup.

"'Sam-man' huh? How many nicknames is that?" I kiss the top of her head. The bandage I wrapped is gone, now Lizzy claims that that side of her head is just tender. "Are you trying to start a record?" I tease her.

"I'm just having fun where I can." She rests her head on my arm after she puts her mug down. "But really, anything new?"

"Just the same stuff as before." Sam huffs. "I'll give him this, he was pretty good at hiding and being a vague fella because there's almost nadda on him." 

"So more of the third Goetic demon, prince of good nature, twenty-six legion of spirits ruler, that finds lost stuff?" Lizzy moans while she sits back up again.

"Well the only other stuff I've found is that he was quote 'just and true in all his doings, with the powers of inciting the love women an revealing hidden treasures'. But that's the only new material I've found." Sam reads from his laptop.

"I found some more tarot card things." She volunteers. 

"Like what?" Sam asks.

"His direction is west, his tarot card is the four of wands, planet is Jupiter, element is water and his color is blue. And he is apparently summoned by magicians to declare things past and to come and discover all things hidden or lost." She breathes with frustration. "In other words, more lies, lies, lies, and oh yeah, more childhood lies."

"Lizzy, he was just-" 

"Yeah I know, 'just trying to protect me.'" She finishes for me. "Well, I don't need protection, what I needed was friends. He claims to discover all things lost? Where'd my hearing go? He wants to reveal hidden treasure? Tell me what my stupid necklace that I never what to take off is for!" Lizzy pushes her chair behind her and throws her arms in the air to attest her irritation.

"Liz, just sit down, we'll find more info, it'll be alright." I chase her out of the library. Sam stays behind and continues working on research. 

"I'm taking a walk. I need to empty my head." She repeats as she shuffles to her room.

"I'll go with you." I try to help.

"No, I'm going out alone." She reaches into her closet and pulls out her dad's leather jacket.

"Lizzy, you don't know if it's safe out there, let me go with you." I grab her shoulders and stop her in her pacing  tracks. 

"Dean, I'm not going to argue with you, so don't make me take out my hearing aids." She begs.

"Good, I'm not arguing either. Let's go." I grin. She laughs with a defeated tone. 

"Fine. But don't get in my way." She points harshly at me.

"Since when do I get in the way?" I quiz sarcastically. She shakes her head, making her frizzy red hair bounce side to side. We climb up the stairs out of the bunker together, Lizzy in front of me, impatiently humming as we go outside.

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