What Love Means To Me

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Love is a four letter word that means an intense feeling of deep affection. Don't worry I got that from Google and I don't see love that way. I see love as a gift. A gift that's given to all of us. We received love the moment we took our first breath, when we first fluttered our eyes open to see the mother that dearly loves us, we received love from the moment we had our first kiss... and no it's not from your boyfriend, girlfriend or even your very best friend... It's from your mother. She gave you the kisses that meant the world to her. Those kisses from the forehead, the peck on the lips and that sloppy kiss in the cheek that she gives you when your about to leave for the first day of school. Those were the kisses that first mattered. Love to me means Ohana which means family. I know some people believe love is received from the perfect person. Believe what you want, I'm not stopping you. Just remember that our first love was from our family and friends of course.


Crushes. People actually have the hardest time confessing their feelings to that someone. I know 1 reason why you can't tell them, it's because of rejection. You keep telling yourself that "What if he/she doesn't like me?!", "What if he/she doesn't feel the same?!" Yeah I know you're paranoid of getting R.E.J.E.C.T.E.D trust me I have been there. All you have to do is get your sh*t straight and tell them and for all you know they feel the same.
For me it's not hard to tell my crush because I just blurt it out. Let me give you a scenario.

Bob is your crush. Bob has been your friend since you were a kid and you really like Bob. Bob enters the room and tells you:
"Hey your friend says you have a crush on someone. Who is it?" So rather then getting anxious of telling Bob and trying to dodge the question or thinking about strangling your friend because he/she told Bob... I just say this.
"Bob" and I get my a** out of that situation, leaving Bob confused as hell. See how easy it is? No it's actually not easy because it's so annoying!
That's just a scenario, I don't have a crush on Bob. Unless you're talking about the minion who has a teddy bear beside him all the time. That's also 8 times I said Bob... make that 9.

Just tell them you like them and see what happens. If you do get rejected, just remain friends with them and you'll be fine.

charliesaints16 I am finally done. It's not as good as yours but I did my best.

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