part 79: messages

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maggie💗: what happened ?

ariel: kian cheated on me ..

maggie💗: with who and why?

ariel: with alexandria, and at her house. idk why. he seemed drunk. apparently they hooked up.

maggie💗: where is he?! bout to beat his ass up!

ariel: he isn't worth it. i actually liked him. i guess his fans were right. he does have a reputation with girls .

maggie💗: bestie :(, don't be upset over a boy. someday he'll come through. cause we for sure don't know how it happened. cause i do know kian. he wouldn't just cheat on you. he really loves you. i text him sometimes. all he talks about is you and how happy he is with you, and how he wants his future with yours

ariel: well that unfortunate i don't see him in my future anymore

maggie💗: next time i see him, he'll have a black eye.

ariel: thank you for trying to cheer me up. i'm not really in the mood for talking about kian. he broke my heart and that's over with.

maggie💗: i hope the best for you both. hopefully someday something will turn around. cause i ship #kariel lowkey hard sorry :(

ariel: well #karielisoverparty .

maggie💗: have you talked to him yet or has he?

ariel: uh he's been texting everyday but i put him on do not disturb. cause i'm not gonna deal with bs until i'm ready

maggie💗: oh okay, well i hope things go great , and how'd you find out?

ariel: that bitch sent me pictures of them in bed and stuff like that, i basically got a video of them fucking. well it was all moaning but ew. well i'm going to sleep, gn bestie 💗

maggie💗: that bitch can rot in hell, and gn bestie💖

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