Biggest Fan

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I've been called many things during my time in Beacon, a Vigilante​, a good guy....Red Hood....

This helmet...The only thing that reminds me of my brother, when he died saving me from a bad man.

Flashback​ of Y/N watching helplessly​ as his brother is being beaten to death by an unknown man with a crowbar.

Never again will I let anyone live with the fear of losing someone, they don't deserve the pain I've been through. This City, Beacon, to often let It's criminals go with slaps on the wrists.

They don't deserve to be free, some need to be punished, some need to die.

Looking out into the city, and out into the night sky. Y/N then sees his best friend from his school, Ruby Rose.

Ruby Rose, I know alot of guys that will tear her up, some even tried to force her into their so called "meetings"....They stopped after I intervined.

Sadly, I've been sent to Beacon academy, leaving her behind. Maybe she can come to Beacon with me, along with her sister.

Ruby entered a dust shop, for several minutes until a group of armed men barged in. Catching Y/N's eyes...He pulled out his twin pistols and leaped off the building, and landed on the ground feet first.

As Y/N grew nearer, a man is sent through the window. Y/N quickly dove through the window.

Little did Y/N know...He was getting famous from being the legendary Red Hood.

Ruby Rose
"No way!".

Roman Torchwick
"If it isn't the Red Hood!".

"Why are you here Roman?".

"It's known of your business!".

"Protecting my home is my business, drop the dust and leave....Or I'll make you!".


Y/N aimed his pistols at Roman and his gang, he then clicked the safety off.

"By the count of three, if you don't leave, I'll empty an entire clip of 17 rounds into your body!".

Ruby thoughts
"Oh my gosh, he's so cool, wait til Yang and Dad here this!".

Ruby had crushed on the Red Hood ever since he came to Beacon, she always wanted to meet him, and now he's here in the flesh.

"Is she drooling for you?".


Ruby thoughts
"Really, I just embarrassed myself of my crush, I'm an idiot!".

"You okay dude....You gonna make a flood".

"We'll let you two sort this out, we have a job to do..".

Y/N fired a round into the dust nozzle, breaking it. He did the same for the rest of the nozzles, ensuring that they don't release dust.

"Ruby, help me clean up the trash!".

Ruby thoughts
"he knows my name!".

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