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Jack's pov I had just woken up to MY sister sitting on my stomach "Mary? What are you doing?" I asked "o-oh I was seeing if you were a-awake" she stutterd I pushed her off of me and stood up as i stretched for a bit i then walked over to the door "Jack what are you doing?.''My dad's deep voice rang out from a bearly lit cornner "looking out the door" I snapped regretting that I did. He stood up from his spot on the floor and walked over to me " Do you mind repeating that"  he growled  I backed up just a little before my back hit the door "Golden vixan Fazbear" my mom's soft but stern voice rang through the room. My dad retreated back to his spot and sat back down. I smiled and in return my mom winked at me. Boy do I love my family. My sister marry she is verey shy she has major anxiety she dosnt talk to any one but me and my mom and on a rare circumstances dad. Most of the time its me. Then there's my mom the marrionett she is so wonderful and nice she always puts my father and i back in our places. And speaking of my dad he is the oppisite of my mom and my sister he is vey how to say oh grouchy? no......thats not it OH wait thats right a big pain in my BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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