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Fronnies pov
I was straightening my bowtie witch I did often if you couldn't tell when out of the corner of my eye I saw a door it said "parts and service" on it I perked up my ears and herd talking so I walked up to weatly and explained what I saw and or herd " so what should we do?" Weatly asked me "we should check it out" I replied.
All though weatly didn't look to pleased with that idea. ''i uh d-dont know from i......." "You to chicken weatly?" I saw Foxica boldy walk into the room. "N-NO.'' "Ok then let's go." Foxica grabbed ahold of me and weatly arm and we walked to the parts and service room. I opened the steal door with a loud Creek and there sat other animatronics I was astonished by this discovery a puppet,a gold bear who looked a bit like my father Freddy and a small bear with a little puppet girl. Well I guess we have new buddy's. As they took a step out i could see how dirty and putrid they looked and smelled poor things. There were living animatronics in there for who knows how long and we didnt even know. TheY looked old especially the rather large golden bear who was as tall as my dad if not taller. the puppet that came out with them she seemed really nice and she seemed to keep the short and tall gold bears in check makeing sure they were on their best behavours. That brings me to the short gold bear when i say short i ment he was shorter then his father and he was way taller then me and i was the tallest teen here his eyes were black with white pupiles in the middle spooky. I sat there for a momment lost in my train of thought ''Fronnie? Fronnie? FRONNIE?!?!.'' I shook my head Weatly was stareing at me as i looked over to see Foxica softly chuckleing. I felt my face heat up abit ''U-uh ya?.'' ''This is Jack and M-Mary.'' weatly stutterd ''Oh uh nice too meet ya im Fronnie.'' i carefully shook the small puppets hand as i went to shake the bears hand he gleared at me and gave me a low growl i quickly rettrackted my hand oh........ this is going to be swell were ganna be great buddys.

{ Hey incase anyone wants to get mad because i chose the puppet to be a girl i apoligize but keep your mean comments to your self ok?.......ok}

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