Chapter One

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     "Cynthia, wake up" My mother yelled opening my room door.

I honestly have no privacy.

I crawled out of bed and dragged myself to the bathroom. Trying to make myself decent for school in an hour, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I decided to dress cassual, a pair of black skinny jeans, red converses, a red shirt that showed my shoulders a bit and a black beanie. Well, thats cassual to me. I curled my hair and added a little but of mascara to make my already long eye lashes a little bit thicker. I grabbed my book bag and my iPhone, then headed down stairs to tell my mom good bye.

     "Ma, see you later!" I gave her a kiss on the cheek before speaking again.

     "I'm going to Tina's house after school" I grabbed apple from the fruit bowl and wiped in on my shirt a little.

     "No your not, My friend from collage is coming to visit. Remmeber?" She asked lifting her eyebrows.

    "Oh yeah" I nodded and pretened I knew what she was talking about.




I finally got to school, I was a little late because my mom talked my ear off about how her friend is struggling and how she might have to stay for a few days, and maybe even weeks. I just hope she doesnt have any little kids, or any kids at that matter. I bumped into someone not paying attention to where I was going.

     "Sorry" I smiled and helped her off the floor.

    "Don't touch me" She hissed and fixed her skirt. Oh great, it was Tiffany. The schools Slut. I rolled my eyes and proceeded walking to my first period class, History. I honestly hate History so much. It's the only class I ever failed. Well, besides when I failed math in seventh grade , but I'm in ninth grade now so that doesn't really matter. I'm actually really mature for my age, I feel like in 17 when I'm really 15. I just can't wait until I get older. So I can experience new-fun things. Ya know?

My first period flew by fast, and so did my second and third and next thing you know I was walking home. I'm kind of excited to meet my moms friend , her friends are always so nice to me and I love when adults love me. I don't know why, I just do. I turned the door nob and wondered why my door was unlocked, but I shook that fact off.

     "Cynthia!" My mom pratically yelled. I closed my eyes because she scared me a little. "This is Michele" She said pointing to this beautiful, quite tall, short haired lady.

    "Nice to finnaly meet you" She said shaking my hand. I smiled and began telling my mom about my boring day.

   "Well, atleast you don't have to be home schooled" Michele laughed.

   "Your home schooled?" I asked confused.

    "Oh no! My son is" She smiled.


I heard a toilet flush and Michele got excited. "Oh, here he comes!" She stood up and walked over to the bathroom, I sat there and my heart started beating faster and faster. What if he's hot? and I look like crap right now. But what if he's annoying, and gets on my nerves!? All these questions ran through my mind.

    "Mom, My zipper is stuck" I heard a boy say breaking me from my thoughts. I stood up and peeked to see how he looked, I couldn't really get a good view so I stuck my head out a little more.

    "Don't be so shy!" my mom wispered and gave me a little push, making me trip over the plant that was on the floor. I fell right on my face and my cheeks burned a bright shade of red. I stood up really fast and just laughed it off.

I made eye contact with the boy and I instantly got lost in his eyes. He was bushing too, since his mom was fixing his ziper. It was really awkward. I fell on my face and his mom is fixing his ziper. oh..

    "Okay, It's fixed" His mom smiled making me and Austin look away from each other fast. I blushed a little and his mom just stood there awkwardly, "Okay um, this is my son Austin. Austin, this is Cynthia." She smiled. Austin walked closer to me and stuck out his hand.

     "Nice meeting you" He smiled and shook my hand. Gosh this boy is so attractive, his smile is just perfect and the fact that he has braces makes it even more adorable.

       "Okay well I have a lot of homework so, I'm um.. I'm going to my room" I stuttered trying not to make eye contact with Austin.

    "Austin, why don't you go help her" My mother said as I slowly walked up the stairs.

     "Um okay" He smiled and walked up the stairs behind me. Really mom? I walked down the hall way and turned to my left, which was my room. It wasnt really messy but it wasnt clean thats for sure. I have alot of posters, but not fangirl posters, just like paintings and quotes and stuff. I sat on my furry rug and tapped the spot next to me, telling Austin to sit down. He walked over to me slowly. "I don't bite" I said, he chuckled and sat down beside me. I didn't even have home work so this is going to be even more awkward then it already was. Austin sat there looking around my room.

Quick, think about something to say.

     "So um, what subject is it?" He said claping his hands together and rubbing them. What am I suppost to say? I don't want to look stupid.

    "Um, I kind of lied about having homework to get away from our moms" I said. Good one!

He laughed . "Oh okay" I looked at the floor and felt his eyes glued onto me. I don't know why I'm all shy and nervous. I mean yeah, he's very attractive stuff but it's not like I like him or anything. Like I literally just met him not even ten minutes ago. And pluss, He probably has a girlfriend. Why am I just sitting here?

I quickly stood up and I think I scared him because I jumped up out of no where.

Anyways, I walked over to my desk and grabbed my laptop, then sat back down on the floor next to him. I quickly went onto youtube and typed in 'With You' by Chris Brown.

    "I love this song" He smiled at the computer.

   "Yea , me too" I said playing the video. I kept on glancing at him every other second , his eyes where on the computer the whole time so he didn't realize, well I don't think he did.

     "Hey, this boy looks like you" I smiled and pointed to a suggestion video thay poped up when the song was finished. It was called 'With you cover'

     "No, No it doesn't" He blushed and quickly took the laptop from me and closed the page. What was that about?

      "Austin" I groned.

       "What?" He asked smiling ear to ear.

     "Nothing" I said and giggled because of how happy he all of a sudden became. He closed the laptop and sat on my bed swaying his feet back and forth. This is honestly going to be one long night, I can tell you that.

Austin kicked my arm by accedent and started laughing "Ow!" I held my arm and laughed along with him.

     "I'm sorry" he smiled and rubbed it with his thumb. I smiled and looked at the floor as he rubbed my arm. It didn't even hurt, but I didn't stop him.





Sorry! this first chapter really sucked! But keep on reading and I promise it gets better!

The only reason I dont like it is because I think that they talked to much, like the whole chapter wa sjust conversations, but oh well. please vote (:

My Twitter: @Austy_Skittles

Cynthia's Twitter: @RushAmeezy

Tina's twitter: @Tina_Athan


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