Chapter 2

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Adonia woke up in a daze, softly letting out a small inaudible yawn. She looked around, blinking rapidly, then looked at Dylan's bed. It was a complete mess. It looked like a tornado hit his side of the room. Adonia groaned, but then realized that Dylan wasn't in his bed.

She scanned the room and noticed he was sitting at the desk that was in the front of the beds. He was playing on his phone and Adonia scrunched her eyebrows together and quickly got out of bed and smacked the phone out of his hands, causing it to land on the floor.

"What the hell?!" Dylan jumped back a bit then glared up at Adonia. "Well, good morning to you too, Sunshine."

She ignored his sarcasm and lifted him out of the seat by his collar. "You know, if you keep doing that I'm going to need a new shirt."

"Why were you texting someone? We are in hiding and nothing is private anymore. Don't you get that? The government knows everything. Texting your mommy to put her at ease is not a good idea at all."

Dylan loosened her grip around his shirt and got up to go pick up his phone. He crouched down to pick it up and showed the screen to Adonia.

"I was looking up the nearest bus station and its schedule." Adonia's face flushed with embarrassment. Shit.

"Oh... Sorry, I just sorta assumed."

"Well, you assumed wrong." Dylan said with a gloating smirk across his face.

Adonia rolled her eyes, crossing her arms, "I said I was sorry."

"Yeah, but it didn't come from the heart." He put a hand on his chest, where his heart should be.

"Did you find a bus station, or not?" She asked, sounding irritated as she bunched her hands into fists.

Dylan smirked, "Maybe."

"Are you always this immature?" She asked, harshly.

Dylan shook his head, "Nah, I just really like bothering you. It's fun and it passes the time."

"Do you not understand how serious this is? The guy tracking me... /us/ could be on his way right now. So, if there's a bus nearby then you need to tell me so we can get a freaking move on."

Dylan crossed his arms and pouted. "You take the fun out of everything...” He huffed and handed her his phone.

She looked at what was on the screen, a website showing the bus schedule.

"It says it's about five miles from her and the next one leaves in an hour." She tossed him his phone and Dylan awkwardly caught it. "Let's go."

Dylan stood up and threw his hands up. "We're not even going to have breakfast?"

Adonia looked at him, "No, of course we are. We're gonna stop by an IHOP on our way to the bus station." Dylan perked up and grinned.

"Really?" He asked, hopefully.

"No, you idiot!" She shouted as she laced up her boots.

Once Dylan was done putting on his shoes, they were out the door. Adonia managed to flag down a taxi with a male driver, or actually several at once. Dylan rolled his eyes and let a puff of air as he got in the taxi Adonia picked out.

She got in as well, told the driver where to go, and then looked at Dylan. "What's with all the jealously?"

Dylan looked at her, confused and he casually shrugged a shoulder. "I dunno what you're talking about."

"Lying to the girl who can read emotions is pretty stupid."

Dylan slumped in his seat. "Why do you flirt with everyone?"

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