Possible MLP

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(Possible scenes in a possible fanfic! Depending on how people react to this I may actually make this a fanfic!)

The three boys sat outside discussing a matter of great importance!

"I really do think Fluttershy's hair would be rather adorable tied in a pony tail." Stone said sketching a crude drawing of the shy girl. Midnight rolled his golden eyes looking at the sketch.

"No no. Fluttershy is adorable just the she is. She shouldn't be changed under any circumstances!" He said looking at the picture.

"I agree that Fluttershy is adorable but..." Paint Marigold took the paper and made a detailed sketch of the girl. "I think adding a flower in her hair would enhance her look."

"I agree with you so I forgive you this time." A deep southern voice said. Turning around the three high schoolers jumped.

"B-Big Mac!" They said startled. Ignoring them, the farmer picked up the detailed drawing and examined it.

"...but what color would the flower be?"

"...huh?" The boys ask now confused by the tall teenager.

"What color would look good on her but also represent her? You have 5 seconds to answer. 5 4 3-"

"G-Green! It would show how down to earth she is!!!" Stone yelled frantically.

"Blue! It would make her eyes really sparkle!!" Paint decided nodding affirmatively.

"White! She'd look really good in white lacy underwear!" Midnight said thinking dirty thoughts. Big Macintosh glared at Midnight slightly causing the boy to shut up instantly.


"Good morning, Prez!" Solar Flare yelled at the Rainbow haired girl.

"Flare, you don't have to yell like that whenever I walk in. It freaks out Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash said gesturing to the pinkette hiding behind her. Flare blushed slightly in embarrassment.

"Sorry Flutters. I forgot." Flare said apologetically. Slowly moving into view, Fluttershy smiled at energetic boy.

"It's fine. I just get startled easy I guess." She said embarrassedly.


"Welcome Big Brother~" Rainbow said adorably wearing her 'little sister' costume. She sat a blushing boy down at a table, smiling. She turned around, hearing the gently ring of the door's bell, going to seat another costumer.

"Hi Big Br-" Rainbow stopped blushing deeply seeing Soarin at the door. He stared at her for a moment then walked to his seat. Rainbow Dash quickly snapped back into her 'little sister' persona and went to him.

"S-something wrong?" She asked her sweet facade starting to slip.

"Your acting guilty 'little sister' did you do something bad?" Soarin smirked slightly teasing her. Rainbow grit her teeth but smiled.

"What are you talking about, big brother? Dashie is always-"

"Are you trying to make up for the fact you farted in front of me before?" He teased. Rainbow blushed a deep shade of red. She never farted in front of him!!!

"You...You're so mean, big brother!" Her sweetness continuing to slip away. "I-I never did that!...a-anyways what would you like to eat? I recommend the salad!"

"Big brother, wants lobster dipped in butter." He said smirking even more. God, he loved to tease her.

"Come on, you're being so unreasonable." Struggling to keep up her act, Rainbow said forcing a smile.

"Well you should be nice and get things for your big brother. I was even so nice not to point out the fact you lied about farting." Soarin said with a laugh.

"I didn't fart, you perverted son of a bitch!" She yelled, the act completely dropped, as she grabbed the collar of his shirt. The whole cafe was silent hearing Rainbow Dash's out burst. Fluttershy sighed.

"Oh dear, she snapped..." Soarin stood up.

"Seems your in a bad mood now...I think I'll leave." He said as he began to walk out the door.

"...Big...Big brother." The blushing girl said softly causing the dark blue haired boy to turn to look at her. "...I...wouldn't mind if you...visit again." The boys in the cafe immediately began to fangirl over her adorableness. Soarin smiled a little and walked out.

-end of work day-

"Good work everyone! The little sister event was a hit!" Fluttershy said happily. Rainbow sighed in relief as she changed into her jeans and baby blue t-shirt. She grabbed her bag and went over to Fluttershy.

"Are you staying after to clean up again?" She asked shouldering her bag.

"Yea I am. So you better just head home." She said sweetly. Rainbow nodded and walked out of the Cafe. It wasn't a big surprise that Soarin was waiting for her. He flashes his dazzling smile at her. Rolling her eyes, Rainbow walked with him like she did most days.

"So, aren't you going to thank me? For making your little sister act a success." Soarin asked smiling at her. Rainbow just looked away.

"...it was more embarrassing then anything else so I don't know if I should call if a success."

"Well if it embarrasses you so much stop acting. Your perfect the way you are."

"No one would want me to be there little sister if I was myself!" She said slightly annoyed.

"...then I guess I'm No one cause I think you'd be the greatest little sister in the world." He said in a off handed tone. She blushed deeply.



Soarin sighed wrapping Rainbow Dash's arm which was sporting a large purple bruise.

"You need to be more careful..."

"Well that guy was going to get hurt. I couldn't just sit idly by and watch him get hurt." Rainbow said glaring at him slightly.

"I thought you hated guys." Soarin said looking up at her.

"Yea but I'm not going to let one get hurt!" She said with fire in her eyes causing the Wonder bolt member to smile.

"So you'd save anyone? Regardless of gender?" She smirked nodding.

"Of coarse. I'd even save a pervert like you." Soarin starred at her surprised then melted into a smile.

"I'm glad to hear it...Dashie."


Rainbow Dash cleaned the tables as costumes came into the cafe. Turning around putting on her adorable smile she turned around. "Welcome home ma...Milady." Rainbow corrected herself finding a purple haired girl to walk in. She had a very royal air to her. Rainbow walked over to her and brought her to her seat. Murmurs were heard throughout the cafe.

"Could that really be her?"

"I thought she was in Manhattan!"

"I can't believe she's here!" One person was even so bold as to walk up to her and ask.

"Excuse me...but would happen to be...Rarity?" The boy asked excitedly.

"How lovely of you to notice little old me~" she said batting her eye lashes. Rainbow dash raised an eyebrow curiously at how the customers were reacting to the girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2014 ⏰

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