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Hey! I'm Peony Amberstone and I'm twelve. And guess what? I'm going to SAFYW BONDS tomorrow! I'm soooo happy! Safyw Bonds is THE most famous boarding school ever. Not because it's all modern and has brillant children (though it has), but mostly because of its histories. I longed to go to FASM boarding school, which is second best as I knew there was not a chance for me to get SAFYW. But here i am. Quite completely a Safyw student.
I looooove this school sooooo veryyyy mucchh! Even though i don't have any friends or family there, it just won't stop me from having fun and excelling as well.
How proud mum would be if i came first out of my form!

I have a marvelous mother and a wonderful father!(What's the difference?)
I have a little brother, Samuel, and a baby sister, Rosemary, "Roo" for short.
How will everythinhg be tomorrow? Me, Peony Amberstone, in my dark blue uniform, trotting my Safyw suitcase behind. Yes, the school gave a rather small suitcase to put in all our necessities and we should not include anymore. I always found it very fair.
Safyw Bonds included lots of extra curricular activities too. Which, of course, pleased me jolly much!
My appeareance? I'm not gonna lie, I'm not skinny. Ha no! I'm so not skinny. BUT i'm not fat either. Let's say I'm average. I am 1 m 50 tall. Yes short i know. And 39.5 kilogramme. Pretty much i know.
Then, I have fair blonde hair and greyish blue eyes. Thin rosy lips (i so wish i had full ones!) And always rosy cheeks, which i'm proud of by the way. MUHUHAHAHAA *evil cackle*
I love sports, drawing and drama! I so rock at French but so fall at Math. I hope to improve but hey -mission impossible!
Well well, nothing is impossible. (Which is so false. How can you lift a pencil with your eyes eh?)
But who's gonna do that anyway?
Whatever, I'm EVER SO EXCITED for tomorrow and I hope you will be there at my first term at least... i don't know what's awaiting really. But let's hope it's positive.

Author's narration:

How wrong poor Peony was! Lots of fun, craze and much more awaited her. Let's see what happens tomorrow with leaving home, arriving there, new timetables, friends, teachers, way of working, and so much more!

Will you be part of the fun? Mischief? And craze?
Well, let's see what happens...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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