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I heard a sound 😴.....sound of human's step ....suddenly I saw madam Alisha standing right in front of me... I guess she understand what on earth 🌍 is going on... She gave me a warm hug.. And whisper to my ear 👂... "MUMMY IS ALWAYS BY YOUR SIDE.. MUMMY WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU DARLING " ...I STOOD UP AND ASKED HER WHY ALL THIS LONG SHE DOES NOT VISIT ME?
And flashback occurs....
Your dad n I had a quarrel that night 🌃.. The night u were born 👶... First and foremost.. Mummy wanna seek forgiveness from you and daddy...... That night one of mummy's professor need a baby girl 👧 to save a system called 'DINARA' ....this system plays a very important role... This system was the reason how technology such as computer 💻 n robot works... It supplies a large amount of current+information ...without this, our Earth 🌍 will never be a better place for us to live... In this case, your brain is needed to support the technologies... Profesor will give u an injection 💉 to make sure you fall asleep.. And then he will put a microchip  so that various data can be saved. Besides, he also connect your blood vessels with one of the modern USB... So that information can be transferred ... We will transfer all the world's information to your brain ....In this way, we could save u n the world at the same time... This is because there will be no side effects on you and you will also be a genius baby at the same time ...furthermore, the world's data can be handled n keep safe by u...



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