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I woke up in a dark room, and my head was killing.

Where the hell was I?
Where was Nick?

At that moment, a door opened, flooding the room with light. As my eyes adjusted, I saw someone walk in and turn the light on. 

And I saw who it was.


'Ah, Katherine, you're awake.' She said calmly, sitting on edge of a table like it was a perfectly normal day​. 'Sleep well?'

'Where am I?' I asked.

'My house. Nick's here too. Don't worry, he's fine, I wouldn't dream of hurting him.' She smirked.

I frowned. 'Why did you bring us here?!'

'You're missing the obvious, stupid woman.' She said arrogantly. 'You've been all over the news for the past couple weeks. They said you were on the run. I figured you'd be on your way out of town, so I knew you'd pass near here. And then when I heard Nick was with you, I knew you were playing your stupid mind games on him again. Separating him from his family. What a selfish thing to do.'

'I never asked him to.'

'Don't lie to me!' She hissed. 'You planned it all, didn't you?' She said accusingly. 'You hoped Nick would run away with you, then Will would stay with me, and then you and Nick would be happy together, didn't you?'

'No, I swear, I didn't!' I pleaded.

'You're​ a liar Katherine Calvin.' She glared.

'So, what are you going to do? Kill me?' I asked.

She chuckled humourlessly. 'Like I'd ever descend to your level. No, I'm going to turn you in to the police.'

'Condemn me and you condemn Nick as well. You're forgetting he was on the run with me.' I said defiantly.

'Well it's good that I've got good connections, isn't it? I could easily get Nick the best lawyer and then he'll be fine, back with his real family.' She said. 'Anyway, I'd better go.' She walked to the door but before she closed it behind her, she said, 'By the way, Katherine, blonde doesn't suit you. Nice try replacing me though. A for effort.' She laughed and slammed the door behind her and I heard a lock click.

Nick's POV

I woke up with one arm tied to a bed I was on.
What the hell-?

I suddenly recognised the room I was in.
It was Rebecca's.
I remembered from all the times I'd drive Will here when he was staying with his mum.

'Rebecca!' I shouted. 'REBECCA!'

She walked in, with a glass of water. 'What's wrong Nick?'

'What the hell am I doing here?' I asked. 'Where's Katherine?!'

She smiled. 'Oh, don't worry, I'm going to call the police and then she'll be locked up, like she should. I'll sort out a lawyer for you though. I'll tell them she threatened you.'

I frowned. 'Rebecca, stop this! Just let us go!'

'I can't do that Nick, not until the police get here.' She said. 'Here, I've got you some water.'

'I don't want it!' I knocked it out of her hand. 'I need you to let us go!'

'I'm sorry, I can't do that Nick. You'll understand later.' She and walked out.

'Rebecca!' I shouted after her, but she didn't come back.

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