☾ 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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Dahyun touched the bark of the tree. Ice started to form on the part she touched.

"You're really good at freezing stuff now, Dahyun," Yeri remarked, clapping her hands happily.

"Do you think you could freeze the whole tree just like that?" Sulli asked, anticipating to see Dahyun perform her ice powers.

"If you could do that, you'll have no problems surviving in the supernatural world," Tzuyu said with a smile.

Dahyun gave a soft smile. "Actually, the only thing I could do is what Seulgi did that day," she admitted. "To be honest I don't even know what are my limits."

"How about building an instant shield made of ice?" Tzuyu suggested, looking excited. 

"That'll be great!" Dahyun said excitedly, but then frowned. "But how am I going to do that?" 

Tzuyu thought hard for a moment. "Seulgi tried using fire to make a shield before. I've seen her practising it." Tzuyu walked forward and made a large 'X' with her forearms. "Like this."

Dahyun took a deep breath and did the same. Nothing happened.

"Could it be that it's not possible with ice?" Dahyun asked, disappointed.

Sulli shook her head. "I've done some research on witches. A book said that witches have no limits at all with their powers, it's just up to them how they want to use it, and how much they practise for it," she said.

Dahyun sighed and then closed her eyes. She did the cross thing with her forearms again and slowly opened her eyes. Still nothing.

"Do you think it's because you're not concentrating hard enough?" Yeri asked, obviously trying to help.

"Maybe it's bec-"

"Move away!" Tzuyu suddenly shouted, and hurled a large stone towards Dahyun. Dahyun's eyes went wide with shock and fear and she her first instinct was to protect her face using her forearms. 

Seconds passed. Nothing hit her.

"Dahyun!" Yeri screamed, and jumped around excitedly. "You did it!"

Even Tzuyu was clapping. Dahyun looked in front of her and saw what she had done. She had not created a portable shield in front of her. She had built an entire wall of ice in front of her that was slightly taller than her and also slightly wider than she is, to protect her entirely from danger.

"This is crazy," Sulli said, and ran over to hug Dahyun. "I can't believe it."

Tzuyu walked over to the wall and knocked it like a door. Ice formed on her knuckles, and she gave a yelp of pain.

"You just built a wall with magic ice," Tzuyu said, shaking her hand to soothe the pain. 

"All you need was to feel danger, and tada!" Yeri twirled on her spot and did a fabulous pose. "Dahyun's Magic Ice Wall is built," she announced triumphly. 

Dahyun laughed at her cuteness. "If only that wall could be built every time I want it," she whispered to herself.


Dahyun was walking on the streets, on the way to a restaurant where she could eat her lunch as she was hungry from all the practising when someone pulled her hair and dragged her into an alley.

"Yah!" She shouted when the person let go of her.

To her surprise, it was Jongin again. Dahyun tensed up. She felt around her pocket for her phone. Her heart stopped. It wasn't there.

"Looking for this?" Jongin suddenly asked, and took out Dahyun's phone from his pocket. Dahyun glared at him.

"What do you want this time?" She asked in a low voice.

Jongin threw the phone backwards and stepped forward.

"Why are you a hybrid?" He asked, and took another step forward. "There shouldn't be any hybrids in this world."

"It's none of your business," Dahyun said, and took a step backwards. Her plan was to back out into the streets again.

"We'll see if it isn't," Jongin said, and then rushed forward to hit Dahyun, but this time, Dahyun successfully created the ice wall, and smirked. Jongin accidentally banged into the wall, and his whole arm was covered in ice.

"An ordinary witch should not be this powerful," he muttered, but loud enough for Dahyun to hear it. 

"That's because I'm a hybrid, weakling," she said, and laughed.

"You'll never make it out alive this time!" He shouted and rushed towards Dahyun again, so fast that she did not have time to build another shield. He caught hold of her shirt's collar, and as Dahyun struggled to be free, he stopped moving, and was staring at Dahyun's chest.

"Yah!" Dahyun shouted as she tried to freeze his hand. She then looked down to where he was staring at and realised that he was actually staring at her necklace.

"The Sapphire of Power," he said, his eyes could be seen glowing. "You're a descendant of Lee Sun Jin? So that's why you're such a powerful witch."

Dahyun pushed his hands off her collar. "So what if I am?" She said, and covered her pendant with her hand.

"I've been searching for that since the moment I heard of it," he said, staring at where the pendant is. "And no one's stopping me from getting it."

Dahyun raised her right arm quickly, and instead of creating an ice ball, she had frozen everything that was front of her - including Jongin.

Realising that this was the perfect time to escape, she immediately ran away from the alley and back into the streets. She bumped into a person who happened to be passing back, and that person fell onto his butt.

Dahyun decided to help that person up when she realised that the person she bumped into was Jungkook. Knowing that it would be a matter of few seconds before Jungkook recognised her, Dahyun hurried off. And it wasn't because she didn't want Jungkook to realise that she walked out of the alley. 

It was because she was terribly hungry.

She rushed into a random restaurant, and was seated at a corner table, far away from windows. Perfect. She ordered spaghetti and when her food came, she wolfed down her spaghetti in seconds. 

"You seem hungry."

Dahyun immediately looked and almost had a heart attack when she saw a figure sitting across her.

"What are you doing here, Tzuyu?" She asked, and placed a hand on her chest.

"I saw lots and lots of ice nearby, and I just came to tell you that whoever you were trying to freeze was gone. And apparently someone melted the ice around that person, so I guess you know who did it. Stay safe, Dahyun," Tzuyu said, then stood up and left. 


aye its bubblelytz! <3 sooooo there you go! it's already the 15th chappie! i can smell the ending already! /sniffs hard okno/ i hope you guys enjoyed it so far- the main drama's coming real soon sooooo stay tuned! bye~~~~~~~~~<3

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