Chapter Two

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"There's a girl."

What Vic said kind of took me back. We just murdered two girls, we don't need another one. I whipped around in anger, taking out my switch-blade just in time to see a beautiful black-haired, cat-eyed girl with cut jeans and a GREEN DAY T-Shirt. I nodded for Chris to go over and get her. She yelled, bringing out a switch-blade and slicing across his cheek. He fell to the ground, bringing out a gun.

"No, Chris, don't!" I shouted, jumping right in front of her when he pulled the triger. The bullet went right through my side. I ground, now on the ground. I could feel everyone around me, touching me. Some were calling me idiots for protecting a girl, some were saying, "Andy, are you all right? Chris!" I tried to talk but all that came out was, "n-n-d-n-t." 

"What? Chris, I'm going to kill you!" I heard Jack shouted.

"Try me, Jack! You and your little gay boyfriend can't do anything to me." He spat. Just then, Vic's voice came slicing through. 

"Chris, you don't mean that. Jack, he didn't-"

"You know what? I'm done! Alex and I are leaving. We're never coming back! You may of took us in, but look what you've done! You killed the person that means the world to me and now he may be dead! He was my best friend, and, and," He stopped to cry. My heart broke at the sound. "now I don't have him anymore..."

"Jack, I'm so sorry... I didn't mean too." Chris said. I could mentally see him grab out and hug him. I knew that made Alex furious also. I also knew that CC was trying so heard to control his anger. Vic was trying to stay calm as Kellin calmly touched him, Jinxx was crying along with Ashley. I knew everyone so well, I knew what they were doing. All but me. I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't know where I was at or what I looked like. All I knew is that there was a beautiful girl standing over me, eyes teared up as she spoke.

"Andy, I think that's your name. I wanted to tell you I'm sorry this happened to you because of me, but why did you do it? I'm not anything special... I'm hardly anything..."

With that, I forced my arm up to touch her cheek softly. It felt like a hundred pounds but I knew I had to deal with the fact that it felt so heavy. I wanted to touch her, I longed to. I heard people gasp and rush over to my side. I groaned as they touched me. I noticed that touch-it was Jake's. It was loving and soft, but daring and cold. I shuttered and he instantly pulled back. I felt empty now.

"Andy?! Andy!" Jack started crying, I could feel his tears fall on my open skin. They were so cold. "Andy, bubba... Please, come back. Don't leave me. Without you, I'm nothing. I need you, Andy. Please, come back to me. Say something. Please! Please! Say something!" 


That was the childhood nickname he would always call me. He hasn't called me that in so long. I forgot about it. I felt my hand twitched slightly before going completely still. I heard Jack, or Bubba, start crying again. I also felt someones hand on my back, then my legs, then I was being carried.

I couldn't move an inch, I couldn't move away from the arms that were wrapping around me. I was sat down carfully but non too gentle. Last thing I remember was hearing the beep-ing sound of a heart monitor then everything went black.


There was a note.

I opened it, skimming through the letters until I landed on someones familiar name. I gasped, jerking my body out of my bed. Only, it wasn't my bed. It was a hospitial bed? Oh god, why am I in here?

I screamed not knowing what else to do. Nurses rushed to my side and I told them I want out. They shook their head and gave me death glares. Walking out, one nurse looking aorund the age of twenty-one said, "I'll go get your... friends." Then was off on her way. 

What! No, they can't see me like this. They can't see their leader, their savior in a hospitial bed practically chasing his life. I fought against the wires but the pain was unbearable. It was sickening and sharp. All I felt were little pokes and the stinging sensation of blood pouring down my arm.

"Damnit!" I shouted, taking my left hand and pulling out the needles in my right arm, doing the same with the right and left.

The door opened just in time as I got all of them out. I was expected to see Jack, or maybe Chris. But who was here surprised me. Who was here wasn't who they were supposed to be. Why were they even still here! Surely, they should have been killed.

Andy, what are you thinking? You don't want them dead. 

I sighed, my blue eyes in the mirrior across from me red. Maybe they gave me some medication to calm down. I may have almost, almost, killed them. I don't remember much. Just that I took a bullet for some girl and then I was stuck here. Speaking of that girl...

Looking at the bathroom, I got up. Half walking, half stumbling towards the sink. The person who was here helped me about two feet before letting me go. I fell to the ground, laughing. They helped me up but I decided to be funny. I decided to have a little fun with all of this.

They extended their hand to help me up but I just smirked. Grabbing ahold of their hand, I pulled that person down on top of me because I was much stronger, their head bumping on my chest. I laughed as they laughed with me.

Their eyes twinkled. I couldn't help myself. I had to have them.

 I put my face slowly towards the figure above me as my lips touched theirs sending sparks throughout my body. The note, I thought. Remember the note. I broke the kiss and looked into the most beautiful cat eyes and smiled. 

"You wrote that note, Evie." I spoke first, my voice deep and rough.

"I did." She said.


The Note Said:


I wanted to apologize to you. You didn't have to take that bullet for me.

But you did. Why? I've heard of your kind and you kind wouldn't normally

Do that for people like me. I have money, a lot. I'm practically rich. I get

Paid every day. I could help you all. Do you go to school? If not, come to 

Mine. You guys can meet my mom and sleep in the extra guests rooms we

Have. I know some of your friends are dating so they can share a bed, if

They want. I have four spare rooms. Two beds are in each one. Except the fourth

One. So that's seven beds in all. You can... sleep with me. If you want. So here's how it's 

Going to go:

Room One:

Jinxx and Ashley in one. 

Kellin and Vic in the other.

Room Two:

Gabe and Jesse in one.

Jack and Alex in the other.

Room Three:

Tony and Mikey in one.

Chris and CC can sleep in the other one. (They're dating now!)

Room Four:

Jamie and Jake in one.

My Room:

Me and Andy. 


P.S. Don't worry, my mom already said okay. She has your paperwork and everything.

She's here to get you from the hospitial when you wake up. Don't hold up!

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