Chapter 2

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  **Harrys p.o.v***

   Today is me aand Louis 1 year anniversary. I was planning on taking him out but sadly we have a concert. Dont get me wrong I Love our fans or directioners as some say, but I really wanted to show lou I care for him. well its really early I dont even know why I'm awake. Oh yea I had to use the loo. well let me sleep Im gonna need energy for the concert to night.

    ***Louis p.o.v***

   ughhh" I groaned loudly. my bloddy alarm won't shut the fuck up.. its 10 am. wow that's a bit early. I think i might just get some breakfest. knowing Nialler won't be up this early I might get more than a bit of food. Normally I could eat with out a care at me and Haz's flat but on tour we have to share with niall. and to be honest he scares mme when he.doesn't get his food. As I walk to the kitchen I notice someone made some chocolate chip pancakes I walk over and see there's a card. I read:

      Dear Boobear

    Happy anniversary, I love you. I woke up early and had to use the loo. I tried to sleep but couldn't an hour passed and it was 9:45 I thought you might wake soon so I made you pancakes. I hope you enjoy them. I went back to sleep (I hope) but when I wake up I will spend the day with you Untill the concert tonight.

                             Love, Hazza.

       Wow I can't believe he made me pancakes and woke up early just for me. wow that's awesome!!! I ran into Harry's room and he was asleep, but I didn't care. I yelled " HAZZA I LOVE THE PANCAKES THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU MORE THOUGH!!!"  He woke up and looked so confused yet cute. "Lou I just went to sleep" he wined. I just laughed at his adorableness. 'Haz happy anniversary " . "Aww thanks Lou". I just sat there admiring his face. His emerald eye, his smile, his dimples,  his curls. How can someone be so god damn beautiful.  "Ugh lou is there something on my face? Drool?" he asked searching for any sign of drool on his face. I just chuckled. he was too cute at this time of day.

      *** Harrys p.o.v***

   Louis was staring at me for a while sso I freaked about drool on my face. he just chuckled. I pouted though. Then he stared at me for a second and then he leaned and we kissed. then we watched movies and cuddled Untill the concert later that night.

----------5 hours later-----------

     We are all on stage. Louis, Liam are on my left, and Zayn and Niall are on my right.  It was a normal concert Untill we saw a sign that said 'Twerk it Larry'. so me and the guys had a twerk off. well lou was winning with his big old bum and all how could he loose? It was just me and Louis. I was bout to win bcos I saw I'm starting to tire. Then all of a sudden I noticed Louis was close to the edge. He was slowly but surely going to fall off. I quit twerking and ran to save him before he fell. he saw I stopped and did his victory dance. But sadly He fell. A gasp filled the room. I looked down and saw that Louis was bleeding. he had a pool of blood around his body. I just panicked while Liam called 911. Louis was rudhed to the E.R. I however was in the waiting area furious because the didn't let me see him. Then a nurse walked in and said "Louis Tomlinson" Me and the three lads rushed to her. She informed us that he was out of the E.R.   She said he was in room 213. After i heard that I dashed to the second floor and found Louis in their strapped to a bunch of cordes leaving to a life support thing. I sobbed Untill the boys came in and saw me.

      ****Liams p.o.v****

   The docter informs us after harry left that Louis was on life support barely alive. We all ran after Harry to ttell him but we were to late......

        ***Harry's p.o.v***

      My eyes where sore. today is the day after the incident. everything was going smothely Untill BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEEEEPPPP!!!! Sounded. I panicked nurses came in and docters they kicked me out. "Save him Dont Let him Die" I screamed.

Louis is dying.

MY Louis is dying..


Cliff-hanger DUN-DUN-DUN

well I know no one is reading this haha buy I just wanted to try writing so here goes. since know one knows me i will go by Freak. yes I'm a total freak.

Well if ur reading go to twitter and hashtag


Haha im wierd

ok bye Im rambling and talking to myself.

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