Part 10

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Amy beckoned for Mark to follow her back into the house.  So, Mark tossed his gear onto a table then He followed her into the kitchen.  The second he crossed into the threshold, his heart sank.  Now he understood.  Sean was sitting at the breakfast table, while Signe stood next to him with a morbid look.  Amy gestured for him to sit, but he didn't.  He just shot Sean a stern glare, before heading to the frig for a water.  Once again, Sean didn't think about him.  Sean could have given him a heads up before telling Signe.  Pulling the water bottle out, Mark grimly asked everyone.  "Well, let's not sugar coat it. What are we addressing exactly"?  Signe was the first to ask him hesitantly in a shaky voice.  "Is Septiplier a real thing"?  Mark rolled his eyes, closing the frig door to lean back against it, telling her a bit sarcastically.  "You tell me. What has he admitted to"?  Amy came to Signe's defense, telling him a bit heatedly.  "Mark! We know you're guilty. Just tell us the truth"!  Mark raised his hands defensively, replying in the same tone she used.  "Whoa, hold on a minute! Why should I have to say anything? If he told you, than you already know. Why bother with these petty details"? 

Amy leaned forward to grip the chair that he refused to sit in.  Her grip tightening on in as she asked mostly to herself.  "Then it's true. You cheated".  Mark took a sip of his drink, before simply asking her.  "I don't really believe it's cheating. I mean... he doesn't even have the same parts".  Amy blinked in disbelief, stating wide eyed and loudly.  "That makes this betrayal even worse! Do you like his parts better? What does he do differently than me"?  Sean cleared his throat, awkwardly chiming in tenderly.  "I'm right here".  Signe crossed her arms then to snidely mutter out.  "We noticed".  Mark chuckled grimly to himself, before tapping Sean's shoulder and asking bitter.  "You want to explain to me why you suddenly had the balls to dick me over like this"?  Sean looked up at him, snapping back at him.  "What?! I told you I was going to tell them! And how does this 'dick you over', huh"?  Signe stepped in between them to talk before Mark could.  "This isn't about that! This is about the fact that you both have been sneaking around our backs and It is going to stop"!

Mark rolled his eyes, leaning back against the frig as he muttered out dryly.  "Fine. You want to get it all out. Let's start with last year, when I you left Jack a mess and I made him better. How I seduced him into my bed and started this whole mess".  Signe lost her balance and knocked a glass off the table as she gripped it for support.  Mark raised an eyebrow at her stunned face, adding in curiously.  "What are you so shocked for? You knew he was at my house and things happened".  Mark turned his eyes on Sean, who dropped his head into his hands and muffled out to him scarcely.  "No, Mark. I told her we kissed. I didn't tell her about THAT".  Signe started to hyperventilate, while Mark told Sean over her noise.  "Well, that would have been a thing to tell me, Jack"!  Sean groaned softly and Signe turned to swat his shoulder, yelling at him sternly.  "I don't believe what I'm hearing. You two... Tell me the truth, Sean! That night I sent you to him! Did 'it' happen then too"?!  Mark nodded to himself, but stopped when he saw Amy was watching him with dead eyes.  Sighing heavily, Mark bluntly told everyone out loud.  "Fuck this! You want someone to blame? You want someone to be mad at? Fine"! 

Mark grabbed Signe's arm to pull her away from beating Sean's shoulders and told her with a dead serious face.  "It wasn't Sean's fault! I seduced him! I confused him! I forced him! Whatever helps you sleep at night. My fault. He was hurting and I took advantage of that".  Releasing Signe, Mark turned softer eyes on Amy as he told her honestly.  "I'm sorry. I loved him before you. I thought that by dating you it would help me move on. I was wrong. It wasn't you. It was me. My fault".  Mark then lowered his eyes to Sean, who couldn't look at him and told him somberly.  "There, Jack. This is me making a decision. I'm gay. I'll tell the world in my next vlog. I was sick of hiding anyway".  Mark felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders... but at what cost?  His heart felt heavier than ever.  Picking up his slender salt shaker, Mark slammed it down beside Sean's hand, adding sourly.  "King me, Jack. Your move".  Before anyone else could throw in their two cents on the matter, Mark walked off, bitterly telling everyone.  "I'm taking Chica out for a walk. Do what you want". 

Mark walked Chica to the park and sat down in the soft green grass.  He suspected that by the time he got back everything would have burned out.  His house would be trashed with broken things... Amy would be gone.  Signe and Sean would have left and either gotten a hotel room... together or separately.  It didn't matter.  Everyone just wanted someone to blame.  Chica scooted closer to him to lean against his leg.  She only did that when she wanted to be pet.  As Mark rubbed her back, he softly told her.  "Well, I can always rely on you, huh? You're the one girl that doesn't ask much of me. You're always there for me when I need you".  Chica adjusted to drape herself across his lap and he let her.  It was such a nice day out.  Stroking Chica's head, he asked her upbeat.  "How about I buy you some ice cream? Small vanilla cup for you... and something wild for me. Just might be sweet enough to turn this day around".  That's when a voice behind him, asked him in a soft tentative tone.  "Mark... I think we might need to spend some time apart".  Mark didn't want to turn around and look at Sean.  He knew something like this would happen... he didn't want to believe it... but it broke his heart all the same.  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

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