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You sat in your room drawing as usual humming a small tune to yourself. You stood up hearing somebody whisper for you. You opened the door and you were scoped up by Junkrat he hugged you smiling like usual.

"Oi, how's my favorite little Junker!" he said ruffling your hair. You didn't know what it was but Junkrat always made you smile you didn't know how he did it he just always did. "I drew you something!" You said happily he put you down waiting for you too show him. You handed him a picture of a field with a large tree in the background with a explosion behind it. He began tearing up "I'll treasure it forever little Junker!" he Hugged you again and you hugged back.

You two left the room and now were narrating Reaper when Ever he did anything "And here we see the beast full of rage and death its self. We call it Reaper." Reaper sighed hearing his voice before getting up "Looks like he's getting up..." Reaper walked over and picked you up "Oh no! Looks like the Reaper is attacking the smaller Beast named (Y/N)!" You began laughing uncontrollably as Reaper grabbed you by the foot and hung you upside down "No! The poor (Y/N) isn't able two fight back! This is the end for the young beast!" You continued laughing as 76 came over and picked you up from Reaper "And it looks like the elusive beast, Father 76 has attacked Reaper taking back the young beast from the hands of certain doom!" 76 sighed. Before he was tackled in a hug from Angela who grabbed you from 76 "And then the majestic and rare Beast Mercy has stolen the young (Y/N) from 76!" You continued laughing even when Junkrat stopped narrating.

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