~Happy birthday!~

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Thank you for the idea Depressed_Young_One

You woke up to the sound of Lena's voice "Love, me and you are going to go out for little so you got to get up" she picked you up and you yawned "Ok Lena" you said softly.

You two went around to the park and a few other places before Lena looked down at her phone beaming "Come on Love let's get back to base" you nodded. You were very happy that you and Tracer were celebrating your birthday.

Once you got back it was completely pitch black you felt around for a light and soon found one and were surprised by everyone yelling surprise. Lena hugged you "Happy birthday, Love!" You began crying tears of joy.

You had cake and sat down on the floor before opening presents. You got a plushie of a dragon from Genji and Hanzo, A blanket that had in big bold letters D.Va on it from Hana and Lúcio, you got a pillow that had the words Cheers! Written on it, McCree gave you a hat like his and the biggest present was from Jack Angela it was a hoodie that had the number 76 on it identical to the one Jack wears. A little after that Widowmaker, Sombra and Reaper gave you another hoodie that was identical to the one Reaper wore. Jack and Reaper fought about it but you just smiled.

That night everyone told you happy birthday and put you into bed you smiled and whispered "Thank you everyone... I love you all" you looked up at all of them happily before saying everything they had taught you "It's high noon, experience tranquility, nerf this, justice for all, bonjour and Tor-Till-Ah!" Reaper smiled under his mask, McCree gave you a thumbs up, Hana did a peace sign, Zenyatta nodded, Phara raised her fist happily and Widowmaker chuckled under her breath quietly.

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