Gay Pride

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Hey! So today kicks off pride month, and I just want to say a few things.(correct me if I'm wrong on any of this please)

Starting off, I'm not gay, but i counted and over half of my friends are LGBTQA+. I see at least one of them every day, so i feel okish about taking about this. This is more of my scrambled thoughts on the gay community.

So first off, transgender people. They aren't confused, they aren't faking it, and they are valid humans beings with thoughts and emotions. Also, you can be trans and bi/gay/lesbian. I didn't know that. But it can happen. Where as trans is a gender identification, bi (just using it as an example) is a sexuality.

Bisexual means (correct me if I'm wrong) that you date anyone no matter the gender or sex. You can still be bi and identify as female or male.

Lesbian and gay are pretty easy, they date someone of the same sex.

I'm still not sure if the "Q" stands for queer or questioning, but I'm gonna go with questioning. These people are special, they're a little confused, but they're still human. Use the right pronouns, and if they change identification, respect them and don't judge.

Asexual. How fun. It literally means no sex, they aren't nessisarially against sex for others, they just don't want to have it themselves. Quick fun fact: You can be aromantic(no romance) without being asexual, and asexual without being aromantic. Or you can be both!

So i just hit the first six in the acronym. But there are many more! Don't forget about the non binary, genderfluid, transsexual, demisexual, agender, ect... people! They're all human, they're all loved. (Please use the correct pronouns, it must be hard to tell people you're he/him explicitly, then they call you she/her immediately after) Love you, and happy pride month!

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