Chapter 9

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No pictures for todays' update :D I made some change for Kongpob. Have fun reading chapter 9... NO PROOFREADING at all


2 months later

The sky was already in darkness, it was 11 pm after all. Kongpob and Arthit exited the Idea & Development department, walking side by side on the street. As the new director of his fathers' company, Kongpob had many works on his desk to be done for today. Today he needed to stay longer to finish an assignment for tomorrow and only now did he knock off. Even if he tried to hide it, the meeting set on tomorrow caused him some headache and sleepless night since the clients were important for the company. The clients deciding to work with them, would depend on how well he did with the presentation. It was too much stress for him to handle. 

Only his fiance Arthit noticed how much effort he put on the work to win the clients' trust. Even if he wanted to help him so much, he couldn't do anything more than be there for him to take his worries away. Like today he waited four more hours for him in the office although everyone knocked off seven pm.

It upsed Arthit that he couldn't do more to support him but one thing was unknown to him. He didn't realize how much he brought Kongpob to smile by being there for him, making sure he was never hungry and joking to make him laugh. He would even massage his shoulders to let him relaxe. The younger man was grateful for his soon-to-be-husband. Whenever the latter did his best to take his worries away, he would feel good again. Thanks to his fiance, the director t survived the many works giving to him so he decided to make it good to Arthit by taking him somewhere nice.

After climbing into the car, the younger man drove away. On the way back to their home, they decided to eat out at a nearby restaurant instead. They left some minutes of driving behind them. Kongpob parked in the parking lot of their favourite restaurant where they always ate when they were in the university. They walked towards the entrance of the restaurant.

As the younger man wanted to open the door, a loud scream echoed in the air. It was a voice of a woman, coming from a corner. They ran in the dark corner without wasting much time. Three bulky men, dressed in casual clothes, surrounded a woman dressed in a long white dress. They were harassing her. She stepped back till her back touched the wall, meaning she didn't had any escape route anymore.

„Just... Just leave me alone", she stuttured, her voice quavering from fear.

Arthit wanted to talk to his boyfriend, to think about a strategy to deal with them. But before he could open his mouth to speak, Kongpob ran blindly in the situation without thinking for his own safety first.

„Stay here, Arthit and call the police", he screamed at him. At least he thought about his boyfriends' safety. He didn't want his man to get involved with the three men but he himself was ready to take them all. What a carried but crazy man, right?

Arthit just did the facepalm, cursing his fiance for blindly jumping at such a dangerous situation. Kongpob was really smart at school, neat at home and caring towards everyone important to him but whenever someone called for help, he would ran to help the person without thinking first. To rescue the woman was more important than anything else for him.

The younger man came between the woman and the men, blocking their way to her. „What do you think you're doing? She clearly said to leave her alone."

The strongest looking of the three, maybe in his early thirty, seemed to be the eldest and also the boss. He frowned. Apparantly, he wasn't happy a stranger prevented him from getting to his prey. „Get out of my way! What we're doing with here, doesn't concern you", his voice raised.

SOTUS: Even in the past, present and future, I'll still love youWhere stories live. Discover now