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Unknown's pov: her body was laying there, bloody. "FUCK!" i punched the wall beside me vigorously. i hadn't touched her yet. i stared in awe. how could someone look so beautiful in this state? gorgeous. the tears wouldn't stop racing down my face. i grab my hair to pull it, fidgeting in my skin. i then sat next to her lifeless body, holding her hand firmly. i will never be able to forgive myself for this. what have i done? thinking of our last words i realized where i was and what we were doing before this happened. the damn body is still in the trunk of the car. and now Rayne... i'm stuck thinking "what do i do?" it's dark, raining profusely. i go to look for my boots. while shuffling around for the shoes i hear my stomach calling out to me. i haven't eaten but i doubt i can. at this point. i found my boots under my bed, i go to tighten them and hear some people walking down the hall. it's a five-story condo building, we lived on the third floor, #318 to be exact. i fall backwards onto the bed and stared at the ceiling for seconds but it felt as if were centuries. the living room was cold, quiet: i walked to the key holder on the wall next to the red couch. i clutched Rayne's car keys off the holder and made my way out the door. "oh shit." i stutter. i had forgotten a hoodie. unlocking the door abruptly with a sigh, a man walked by. i acted as if i was invisible. he turned the corner and i unhinge the door with caution making no further noise, i crept in & grabbed the burgundy hoodie Rayne loved to wear. it still smelled like her, fresh lavender. slamming the door behind me i flick up the hood and start to strut up the hall and down the stairs to avoid the cameras in the elevator. crickets are chirping along with frogs in the misted night. the grass was coated in rain, my boots are perfect for this weather; for this occasion. i got into her car which smelled like spoiled food and Clorox, just to think she was just here hours ago in this shit with me. karma is catching up to me i can feel it slowly crawling up my spine, whispering sweet nothings in my ear. i sped out of the city down this long road along a channel, without knowing what else to do i drove her car into the water. gasping for air in relief, i paddle through a cold dark mass of water. an ocean, is what it felt like but it was just a couple feet. the shallowest of waters cause you to feel minuscule. not looking back for a second i heard every creak and bubble her car made as it sunk to the bottom of the channel. i always felt expendable, is that why i cheat? ironic. slowly i walked back to the condo drenched in water; shivering down a grim road i cried for hours, not allowing myself to dry. at long last i stumbled up the stairs exhausted from the walk i just endured, alone. i staggered into the house wiping my tears, my eyes not leaving the floor for a moment. should i look at her? "they're coming" i heard a faint voice whimper. what is wrong with me? tears consistently slide down my face in sorrow. if only i didn't need to go an extra mile to make myself feel worthy, simply loving her would've sufficed. insecurities clouded my mind. "she'll find better one day" my subconscious would tease. how could i be fooled by my own perception? the sun is peeking through the clouds saying good morning, but what's so good about it? sitting on the living room floor i go through old text messages between my lover and i. she was so intelligent, ahead of her time. speaking of which: it's now 6:58am. i still haven't got a clue as to what i'm going to do with myself, with her. the floor was becoming alive as i stared at it, it was a reflection but i was unrecognizable. a monster, with a dark abyss for a heart, heaviest of chains holding down his dreams, impenetrable eyes: for he shared his soul with no one. i heard drums, as the monster in the reflection begged for forgiveness all the rest of the ghouls objecting were screeching. the banging sounded like thunder on a summer night, on a night like this, and the screams sounded like electricity. reality came back into my reach. i wasn't hearing things after all, it's the door. suddenly everything surrounding me freezes in time.



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