Chapter 8: Trapped

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A/N: Not an extremely long chapter. I'm going to try to have a longer one uploaded over the weekend. I love comments! They make me please leave some. Opinions on characters and plot lines are always appreciated :)

Chapter 8: 

I woke up screaming. I could feel someone holding me down as I thrashed against them in panic.  I didn’t open my eyes. I didn’t want to see all the blood again. I didn’t want to see anything.

“Shush, sweetie it’s ok. You’re alright. You’re going to be fine. Can you hear me?” A voice asked “Oh God, baby please tell me you can hear me.”

I knew that voice.

It made a scream build in my chest before I choked it down, making it sound like a painful cry. Large warm hands caressed my cheek, wiping something wet off of it.

“You said the meds would keep her from being in pain?” the monster growled to someone else, his voice sounding sinister. The memory of his teeth shredding my flesh flared in my mind and a tremor went through my body. “Baby, where does it hurt?” he asked me, his voice turning from murderous to desperate and concerned in an instant.

He kept calling me baby. BABY!

“She’s crying, isn’t there anything you can give her?” he growled again to whoever else was in the room.

“If I give her anymore she could overdose on pain meds.” A voice that sounded familiar replied. It was female but I couldn’t place it.

“Stop touching her for a moment,” a different familiar voice suggested this one male. The monster snarled back.

“She is my mate, she needs me.” He snapped.

His hands still touched my skin, fettering my face, his fingers still scraping hot tears off my cheeks. His touch felt like a branding iron, searing into my body hot enough to make me want to scream again in pain, fear and frustration.

“I know that, but I think she might just need some space. You know get her bearings.” The voice suggested again.

There was a pause, the monster’s paws hesitating on my face.

“Fine.” He growled, releasing me.

Air left my chest in a whoosh of relief but I was still shaking. The monster had let go of me. But my father…and the blood.

“Juniper, its Kyrie. Do you remember me Juni?” the male voice asked sounding concerned but calm. Kyrie? Kyrie was here?

Was he dead too? Had that monster killed him for simply trying to look after my wounds?

“Juni, its ok. You can open your eyes now.” He told me. I shook my head, fear choking me.

“M-my dad, h-he’s dead. There’s b-blood. So much. I don’t want to see the blood again.” I stammered.

“Juniper you’re ok. We’ve gotten you all cleaned up. Even put a nice bandage on it so you won’t see any blood.”

Cleaned up? What kind of afterlife was this?

“I-I’m not dead?” I finally made myself ask, feeling my voice come out strangled. There was a low whine somewhere else in the room but I focused only on Kyrie, only on what his human voice would tell me.

“No. You’re alive.”

I was alive.

For the first time in a long time the relief that I felt in that statement was tangible. I thought I was dead. I thought I was dying.

 I hadn’t realized how much it frightened the shit out of me.

“Juni, just open your eyes. I promise you’re not dead.” He assured me. I took a deep breath. I would trust Kyrie…he was the only one I could trust.

I opened my eyes.

I had to blink a few times for my eyes to readjust.

I was lying on the cot, still in that cell of a room, but my body was covered with blankets and I felt my head supported by a pillow. I instantly caught eyes with Kyrie.

He smiled at me reassuringly, his brown eyes relaxing with relief.

“Hey there.” He greeted me. 

I didn’t smile back.

Not when I saw who was standing behind him.


The wild haired female werewolf that was Kyrie’s mate was too his left, watching her mate with careful eyes as if she were seeing something in his that made her pensive. The monster to his right was looking at me, looking at me like he was restraining himself from coming to me and touching me again.

I recoiled from that thought.

“What happened?” I found my mouth asking. The sound of my own voice astounded me. It was cold, calm and emotionless. Whereas on the inside I was screaming of injustice on the outside it was like I was frozen into stoicism.

“You niched your thoracoacrmial artery and severed your subclavian vein. You lost a lot of blood.” The werewolf woman told me, asserting her medical knowledge. I suddenly wanted to laugh. The way she said it made it sound like I did it to myself, like I took a knife and tried to hack my own shoulder off.

“Luckily, we were able to get a little of Sean’s blood into you before you bled out too much and we gave you a blood transfusions from the human blood bank. You should be feeling as good as new in a few hours.”

Good as new?

What did new feel like?

Like I was a child again or just a new chew toy?

“Yippee.” I muttered, turning my head so that I didn’t have to look at any of them. I didn’t want to see the monsters anymore.

 I didn’t want to.

I didn’t want to.

I had had enough.

Something touched my hand and I flinched and drew away from the gesture. There was a low whine and then a louder growl.

“Leave us.” The monster growled out, sending a chill right down into my bones. I listened as they both did as he asked without hesitation. Their footsteps heading for the door, leaving me livid about how they could simply obey him without further thought and leave him alone with me even after he nearly killed me.  I looked at Kyrie as he left, my eyes unwillingly latching to his in fearful accusation.

But my gaze faltered when I saw the worry etched deep into the dark planes of his face and the desperation in his rich brown eyes. It wasn’t that he wouldn’t stay…it was that he couldn’t. His face was that of an animal in a cage. Desperate and a little fearful.

He was a prisoner to these monsters.

He was trapped.

Just like me.

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