Chapter 28: Deals and Death Threats

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Chapter 28:

I awoke to the uncanny feeling of being watched. From the way the light was entering the room in small grey streaks it had to be early morning, probably sometime around five o’clock or so. As I stretched slightly and rubbed my hands over my eyes to try to wake up some more I could feel my heart thumping hard in my chest and the hairs on the back of my neck painfully prickle.

Yep, definatly being watched.

 I knew it would be the Monster creeping on me  without having to look up at the doorway. I mean who else would be in the apartment at this hour just to stand in the door way and stare at sleeping people. I looked up at him, meeting his lingering gaze cautiously.

He looked like shit.

There really wasn’t any better way to say it.

His dark hair was a tangled mess and his eyes were blood shot and had big black circles underneath them. He had a busted lip and what looked like a first class shiner circling his left eye socket. Had he been in a fight? I hoped he wouldn't pull the whole "you should see the other guy" bull shit on me. Well honestly I kinda hoped there was another guy who  had beaten the crap out of the Monster and was now off somewhere telling someone "you should see the other guy."

Yeah that made no sense whatsoever.

“Would you come with me please?” the Monster asked, his voice incredibly low and kind of gravelly. I looked down at my still sleeping sister and sighed. If I didn’t go with him he would probably just make me come which would both wake my sister up and scare the shit out of her in the process.

I nodded at him and gently moved out of my sister’s sleeping embrace, replacing my body with a pillow. She mumbled once and held onto the pillow a little tighter as she slept. The Monster turned as soon as I was standing and walked down the hallway toward the kitchen. I assumed that he wanted me to follow him and decided to humor him while my shell shocked sister was sleeping.

When I got to the kitchen I found him leaning against the counter top, his head in his hands with his finger nails dug into his scalp. He looked like he was at war with himself, trying in vain to rip his own head open with the power of his mind. I just stood there, waiting for him to say something. He always wanted to say something.

“Is she alright?” he asked. “Your sister I mean.”

I nodded quietly, knowing that I was probably lying at bit. She wasn’t alright. How could she be?

“She’s a little shaken up.” I whispered, so low that I could barely hear my own voice. He heard it though. That was really all that mattered.

“I didn’t mean to scare your sister. I didn’t mean to scare you.” he whispered back, his eyes still not looking at me.

“I know.” I replied.

And somehow I did know he didn’t mean to. In his sick and twisted mind, he loved me. From his reaction to my blatant fear last night I knew he didn’t want to frighten the shit out of me. He just always did. He always would.

He was a Monster.

And Monsters were feared for a reason.

“I didn’t bring her here so that you would…so that I could…” he tried to start but ended up cutting himself off. He ran his hands through his hair and leaned his head against a cabinet. “I wanted to do something nice for you. I know you worried about her.” he told me.

Something nice for me?  That sentiment could have been construed as sweet if it wasn’t for the fact that the whole reason I would lay awake at night praying that my sister was ok was because of him. He was the reason I was trapped here. He was the reason why I was ripped away from the only family I have left. He was the one that threatened my sister openly before to make me sleep with him before.

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