Chapter 3

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Chapter 3-

The Results

Ash made her way home to go to bed after staying in Zach's arms for an hour, talking about the future. Her mother and sister were asleep, but were both restless by the morning from the nights events.

The second day of Results week was always the most "exciting" because if you are paired you get to meet your other. Ash made her way to Zach's house before she left for Brad's house.

"Hey, Zach, I have a plan. A plan were we never miss eachother, and were we are never paired." says Ash,

"Ash I dont think anything will work, but whats your plan anyways." says Zach

"Its simple, we run. Far. No one will ever care that much, and we can take our families, if they want to go."says Ash

"Ash I...can we just meet them before we decide?"asks Zach

"We can but then we will lose hope, or we will fall for our other. Zach I cant leave you"replies Ash

"Meet him, maybe youll like him more than me" says Zach, and hes out the door.

Ash leaves after a long thought, Maybe he wont be too bad, but I think I love Zach. She makes her way to Brad's house inside the city. His family is rich, so he is allowed to live inside the city, instead of the Debris were the leftovers are...well leftover. His house is big, and colorful, whereas all the houses in the Debris are just brick. She rings the doorbell and there he is, short, blonde haired, green eyed, and somehow he is beautiful.

"Hey, so I guess youre Ash?" he asks

"Yep, and obviously youre Brad" she said

"Well duh, who else would I be?" he says, a small smile on his face

"Well can I come in?" she asks

"Oh yeah, you can. What do you want to do?"he asks

"Umm...." See my Zach. "I dont care, whatever"she says

"Well do you know how to play z-square"he asks

"Yep, I do"she says

"Is there something else on your mind?" he asks "You seem out of it."

"Kind of" she says "And he isnt a thing."

"Oh, who is he?" he asks

"It doesnt matter, Im not ever gonna see him again." she says "Can we just play?"

"Yeah." he says

They play, there isnt much talking except for an occasionl comment from Brad. Finally the time Ash dreads, the interview. It is used to say what you like or dont like about your other from your first meeting together, what you remember about them from your childhood, anything you want. Ash has always hated interviews because of how long they could get, and this year she has to watch Zach tell people about his Molly.

Molly is beautiful, brown hair, brown eyes, tan,skinny, she is perfect, but her personality is horrid. She is a crazy girl, and a slut. There isnt a boy except for Zach she hasnt kissed, even Brad, and she is annoying. Nobody has ever really liked her past her looks.

The interviews start with the new couples randomly. She watches as her childhood friends go by with their starry eyes and red cheeks, many people were lucky enough to be paired this year. Then its Zach's turn.

Great. I get to watch my Zach get smiley around a girl, that isnt me.

"So Zach, youve got a very pretty young lady here. What do you know about her?" asks the interviewer, Randy Sesanto.

"Well, she is beautiful, and I can only say I know her name."says Zach

"Anything from the past?" Randy asks

"Well all I can remember about her is that she kissed a lot of my friends, thats it. I guess I didnt pay much attention before now."

"But you notice her now, what is your favorite part about her so far?"

"Well shes beautiful, shes smart, but you want to know what I love the most? She hasnt tried anything crazy on me"

"Well thats always good, now Molly. What about this young boy do you remember?"

"Well I remember him being the only boy I havent, like, made out with yet. I remember he was sexy, and that he was attached to a girl um.....Ash? Yeah thats her name, they never like kissed or anything which is good for me!"

"Well good for you Molly. Now is there anything youve loved so far?"

"Of course! I love his body, his face, and yeah thats about it."

"Okay then, is there anything you two would like to tell eacahother?"

"Yeah um, can you move into my house instead of me moving into yours? I hate the Debris."says Molly, laughing.

"Yeah sure whatever and, I did kiss Ash." says Zach

"WHAT?!?!? WHEN!?!?!"

"Yep I did and it was about, um, two days ago? Yeah. So yep."

"Okay well thats it for these two." says Randy "Up next, the last couple of the night, is Ash and Brad!"

Ash make her way up in a frilly dress and curled hair, but absolutly no makeup, she refused.

"Okay so lets go ladys first on this one, now Ash I must say you look just amazing." says Randy, smiling

"Thanks Randy, its a special night for us" she says looking at Brad

"So lets get started, Ash, what do you remember about this handsome boy?"

"Not much, he lived in thee nice part of town, he was in my class, and he had beautiful eyes."

Payback for calling Molly beautiful.

"Okay so is there anything you like so far?"

"Yes, he is very nice, smart, and he is handsome. Also he has good standerds but can still have fun."

"Perfect for you Ash. Now Brad, isnt she just beautiful? What do you remember about her?"

"Well, she was always in my class, she was real pretty, and she was always with Zach, just like Molly said." he said quite plainly.

"Well is there anything you are interested in now?"

"Well she is beautiful, she can play z-square very well, she knows how to respect someone and, well she is strong, living in the Debris and all."

"So is there anything you guys would like to ask or tell eachother?"

"Yeah, I hope you can handle me" Ash said sarcastically

"Ash, I love you" said Brad.

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