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HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!! I GOT 100+ READS OMG!! You like me you really like me!!*cries* I'm so happy!! *is freaking out screaming around my house*

Elliya: Since Azzy is freaking out *glass breaks* I'll finish this. Thank You All For The Love and Support. You don't know how much this means to us. Not just Azzy and I but all the characters. We work super hard to make this perfect and for you guys to do this for us *sniff* it means so much so Thank You but not only for the reads but the likes and the people who added this to their reading list. You guys know who you are. So what would you guys like as a thank you?! Comment and we'll see if we can make it happen!

 So what would you guys like as a thank you?! Comment and we'll see if we can make it happen!

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-The Raconteuse

A Final WishWhere stories live. Discover now