The first thing and it's the most important one must note when working with a Maitland is that you shouldn't let them intimidate you. They have the power to let one squirm yet they hate weakness. They don't like the first sign of weakness and so one has to have backbone. It's not just Daniel Maitland, the handsome third son of the family, it's the entire family even their mother. They wore a sign big and proud BEWARE MAITLANDS ARE NEAR!!!

Ishma can't forget the first time they met, well after spending a third of their lives hating each other, her mother divorced her father and they went to live in Jamaica with her family in order  to begin college she had to return. One her second day back home the Maitlands showed up at her house all grown up and as handsome as ever. apparently they all wanted to check how she was. She wasn't buying it though. Then Daniel who she hadn't realized was absent showed up with another hated friend on his arms. She wanted to send him to all the pits in hell. She didn't though, she settled for a glare at him.

" I see the witch is back," she said.

"What did you call her?" Daniel asked.

she chuckled thinking he was on her side probably because we were always bickering.

"a witch," she said proudly.

he raised an eyebrow at her as if to say ' how dear you repeat' Ishma smirked. That's how Daniel and her always were. They don't stand for anyone to disrespect the other.

"Please go," he said rather calmly.

" What???!!" she asked screamed.

" Get going I will not tolerate you disrespecting Cup cake at all," he said. she frowned at the alias while the other maitlands burst into laughter. There's a perfectly goods explanation though. When they were about 6, she brought to school a basket full of cupcakes. He wanted one and Ishma told him no. Shebate them all and so he began to call me cupcake since then a name only he is entitled to.

"How you been Cup cake?" he asked turning his back to the much hated girl. It was her turn to frown.

That was how it always was with Daniel and Ishma, they would irritate the hell out of each other yet there's always some things that only the other is privy to.


Talking about irritating here they are at the very first meeting with Daniel ready to discuss his so called wife. Many sat nervously outside the little cafe we were in. Maitlands are quiet feared especially with the rumors about being a Mafia empire which Isma knew that it  isn't true. Some persons made a run for it when we walked in and she had to laugh at their reactions. Personally, she thought that the Maitlands aren't all that notorious as others may believe.

" so Daniel, What are you looking for really?" Ishma asked.

" Woman can you feed me first!" He said dramatically.

" I'm not here to feed you babe." She answered.

he smirked. that's the signature smile for all Maitlands, some found it cute Ishma thought it was irritating. The waitress ambled nervously over. her hands shook slightly and Ishma wondered what all the excitement was about he was just like any other person.

" She doesn't eat most of these things so just get us two apple pies and two black coffees please," Daniel ordered. Ishma rolled her eyes how dare he take control but it was the truth most of the things on the menu she was either allergic to or she didn't eat.

" so ...?" Ishma asked.

"what?" he answered.

she sighed it's nothing unusual for him to play dumb. That's why most times he got on her nerves.

" The answer to my question." she enlightened. She said it a little to sweetly and he knew that to be a sign of  irritation " I don't want some rich spoilt girl nor some dependent farm girl for a wife." He said. She paused and looked at him.

" why not?" she asked that was an unusual request for a billionaire most of them wanted a naive house wife who they can control.

" I want someone who can hold their own. Whose confident and know what they are for. Who won't look to me or anyone for everything, I want someone who I can trust, Who I can rely on..."

" Sounds like you want a replica of yourself hun," she told him. Or a replica of Zackery prefect wife. She thought. They know that Daniel preferred women to suck up to him.

'or you' he thought but refused to say it out loud.

" Such a person is hard to find Daniel," she warned.

" But they exist." he said.

" Yea but to be apart of your family and have all these qualities is quiet hard." she said nearly impossible actually.

" But you managed it." he said

" True but I'm a little special." and there was the huge ego he was talking about. he smirked she really had no clue where he was getting at.

" Remember liz's party." he told her as a means to change the subject. Liz was his brother's wife. She is a really fragile soul and they all felt the need to protect her.

" I do. She'll kill me if I don't."

" Liz and Kill in the same sentence is hilarious," Daniel said laughing causing Ishma to glare at him.

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