Ishma walked into the halls with her head held high. Many looked, mostly with hatred. That's for the females though they seem to believe that  there was something happening between her and one of the Maitlands they were even rumors about all of them. one thing is for sure Ishma is the most envied, hated and feared girl in the school. She made it a routine to keep her head straight and not look about. It's easier to avoid the stares that way. But there's always someone to irritate her and right now only one name Ishma wanted to smash off the earth. Zackery Maitland. The devil caught her from a fall and usually she would be grateful but while shebwas staring in those blue orbs that looks so much as if it could dive into her soul and draw out her wildest fantasy the boy had to spoil the moment and open his mouth. 

" I know that I'm irresistible babe but you don't have to fall for me ... literally," he said. Oh how she  wanted to rip his tongue out.  She cast him a glare and Daniel came and saved the son of a gun. 

" Cup Cake you're gonna be late," he said. Ishma walked away with a heavy heart but not after hearing Daniel telling Zackery that he owed him one. If she hate the Maitlands one more time. 


Ishma walked into the building as if she owned the place. The secretary was trying to stop her, the receptionist also made couple attempts now the P.A joined the girls and was running behind her. They have learnt to let her have her way but this time something important was taking place in Daniel's office and they were to ensure that they wasn't disturbed. There's usually an exception for Ishma but all the Maitlands was one place and they feared for their life more than their jobs. 

" WHAT THE HELL!!" Ishma said storming into the office. the other Maitlands went quiet. 

" What did I do?" Daniel asked. 

" How did she get in here?" Grandpa Maitland asked. Of course he hadn't before met Ishma. 

" We tried to stop her," the girls said. 

" Go!" Zackery said. They ran out. 

" I'm Ishma," She said giving him her sweetest then sent a glare back at Daniel. 

" What did you do now Danny," Marcus the oldest asked. 

" I don't Know," He shouted.

Ishma sent the newspaper flying in his face he cringed. 

" Oh so you saw that," he stated. 

" You're giving me such a hard time. first with those out of place request that sounds something like what Zackery wanted and now this!!!" She roared. 

Their grandpa looked awed and the fact that the other boys sat listening not even interrupting what was even more intriguing  Maitlands never apologized. 

" I don't need your apology!" she said.  He was glad that he wasn't Daniel.

" Ish..." Zackery was saying.

" NOT NOW ." she said. he shut his mouth and Grandpa Maitland wanted to laugh. The young Maitland never listen to anyone. He was the most domineering of all the Maitlands so he being dominated is pretty amusing. 

" Come one baby girl... take a breath.. that's it... now lets go for a walk."

Liz said and led her out. 

They watched as the ladies left and Zackery sat smirking. He loved when she acted like their boss. There's just something about a woman being able to hold their own that gets his antenna going. 

" That's the last time I will ever assist you," said Daniel. 

"Who's that young woman?" asked the grandfather. Interrupting whatever Zackery wanted to say.

" That's Ishma Jackson. She's the devil reincarnated," said Zackery.

"You should say that to her face brother," Marcus said.

" You know I never will," laughed Zackery. 

" Why is it that she seems to have such control over you boys?" asked their grandfather. Raising an eyebrow.

" well she kind of have more control than grandmother does," answered Daniel the other two nod in agreement. The old Maitland was intrigued. Everyone knew his wife was not one to be messed with and boys confession was a surprise.
" she will raise hell when cant get her way something we all try to avoid being on the other end of." Explained Marcus.
The old man chuckled as the older grandson shivered letting him believe that he was at the other end at some point.

" Hey did you hear about that French guy trying to pursue her?' asked Marcus. 

"WHAT!!" exclaimed Zackery he had made sure that any guy within a three mile radius would run from her. Marcus was thoroughly enjoying his rage. His possessiveness was amusing .

" Who is this guy?" Zackery wanted to know but before anyone could reply the two girls came back laughing at god knows what. Ishma glared at the boys. She narrowed her eyes at Daniel who visibly flinched. 

" I'll speak with you later," she told him. 

"i'm dreading later," he whispered causing his grandfather to smile. the girl looked as if she'll break any minute now. She looked so fragile. She reminds him of his wife.

" and Zackery sweetie.." she said a little too sweet. he stood his ground but he took a step back causing his grandfather to know he feared her. 

he smiled in response. 

" could you please butt out of my business!" she roared causing Marcus to laugh. Liz swat his arms which made him shut up.  with that she stormed out of the dreaded office.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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