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I swallow down the burning liquor as I sink down, ending when my head reaches the cold bar table. I hiccup as the corny song finally changes to a good one. My hiccup being the one who ended my suffering from that mediocre and annoying song. A hiccup! Out of all the things.

"if only it can end other sufferings."

Like the suffering from not being able to go to a concert that is only twenty minutes away. I pout and shift in the chair to get comfortable. This cheap ass chair. Who can even get comfortable in this? I paid twenty bucks to get in and I can't get the luxury of a nice chair. This is basically robbery. The owner of this place needs to know that I'm not taking this mockery lightly.

"fucking wack ass chair!"

I sit up rather too quickly which causes a huge migraine. I close my eyes and clench my teeth, maybe it will help with the pain.

"god, i leave you alone for at least ten minutes and you already managed to get drunk."

well fuck, my subconscious was loud and clear. oh god, I think I'm losing it.

"[you], are you even listening to me?"

There is it again. But why would my subconscious speak to myself like that? Why would I speak to myself like that?

"[you] open your eyes," I notice the hint of annoyance in their voice. I open my eyes and look at the person who is talking to me. It's the person who made me come here for her birthday. It was going fine for the both of us, except this one guy wanted to dance with her and she told me to wait. 10 minutes? More like half an hour! I squint at her since she's starting to get blurry. She calls for the bartender. "Do you have any orange juice?"

"you!" I blurt out after practicing what to say to confront her. Both the bartender and she look at me but continue on with their conversation.

"I'm sorry but we don't have any. This is a bar." His voice comes out rather odd, is he nervous? Is it because her boobs are out? Of course, it is. Also, her stunning face. God, i wish i had her face, her body shape and her nice feminine voice and silky hair. Her long lashes and plump lips and cute nose.

"I waited-" I continue on with my confrontation only to get caught off again.

"Oh wait, there is a store right across the street. can you pretty please go get me one." She pouts cutely. "I'm quite thirsty." she finishes the strike by putting her hair on one side of her face and reaching over to brush her fingers over his. The boy nods feverishly and grabs his stuff and leaves the counter. I'm quite flustered right now. Where was I going with my confrontation?

"Once he comes back, make sure to drink it up. You know you get drunk really easy. How many bottles did you have?"

Guilt replaces my flusteredness. We did make a pact a while ago stating that if one of us happens to get drunk, the other has to be there, no matter what. For safety precautions.

"Just one and a half."

She responds by shaking her head but soon enough words come out. "At least, the perk of getting drunk easily, is that you sober up easily too. Orange juice has once proven this theory."

"How do you manage to easily break hearts while i can't even get one to flutter at the thought of me. You have that dude you disappeared with, and the boy you just literally just ordered to get you a juice. Aren't you afraid of maybe falling for one? Heck, if someone said "hello" to me or even smiled at me. I will think about them for months and maybe even imagine a life with them." I spill out my frustration.

"You're just a hopeless romantic. You also have high standards about men and relationships since all you watch are those korean dramas and boy bands."

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