A new begining

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Years had now passed since she left you. Your now in 8th grade, it's summer so schools almost out. You were hanging out with your BFFS Alexis, Maria, and eve. Luckily it was the end of hall the day, so made up an excuse to leave them and 'do a club activity' your club activity was you and only you allowed. Stalking my your senpai, your love no one could ever replace him. Mason. He was an asshole but, you loved the hell out of him. He hated you and didn't even acknowledge your existence.

You hated it. You needed to step up your game. Somehow become pretty. 'Impossible!' You thought at your own stupidity. It hurt so much to have someone you love break the remains of your broken heart. He could put some back together. You knew it wouldn't ever happen though. You hated it, you hated your self. You looked into his beautiful hazel like eyes.(idk his exact eye color-_-) They were the most beautiful thing you've ever seen, next you went up to his gorgeous brown shaggy hair, how some swooped down and covered some of his eyes. Next you when down to his luscious lips. Then you when's down to his... TORSO!!(you lil perv;})  He always looked good in blue you thought- nevertheless he looks good in anything- even his.. *AHEM* *cough cough* "birthday suit" *cringe* or shirtless is FINE! 'No more looking down;)' 'ugh I've gotta gooo!' You thought. Catch up to your friends who were waiting outside for you. You hoped they didn't get in trouble for loitering again. Though, you kinda hoped they were gone so you could follow him home again!!

You went down to the doors to exit but, they were there... oh well, you love them to death so, you didn't mind.

You were walking home talking about... stuff then you saw it. A guy. One selling stuff, maybe stuff that can help your problems..?' Eh, what do I have to loose?- no better question what Braincells do I have left to loose? If of course their is any' you laughed at your own stupid joke. It was retarded.

You approached the rather poor, homeless, suspicious guy. You've never done this before so it was awkward. How do you bring up the subject with out it being awkward? You just ask? Oh well. 'Here goes nothing.' You thought. 'Oh y/n what have you done?' You wondered.
"Umm, excuse me?" You asked. "What kid?" He said with his rough angry voice. "What's wrong?" You asked." Me costumer cancelled on me!" He yelled... silence..." drugs?" You asked awkwardly. "Huh? What?!... wait, how do you know? COP??" The guy panicked. "NO NO! I want the drugs... uh, so this is my first time. So, what do you have?" You said quickly. "Cocaine, meth, heroine, weed, uh and... oh yea! Good ol' Percocet." He said rather loud. " oh. I'll take Percocet and some weed?" " how much?" You added. " around- well since this is your first time, your young, and pretty... $35." "Final and ONLY offer." He said calmly. You barley even had enough, but you got your drugs.

You hoped they would work. You wondered if you could look for some lsd around the house. Is the first time using like loosing your drug virginity? You laughed lightly.

You arrived at your house. Parents fighting, Dillon whose now around 8 is crying in the corner of your room, waiting for you to return. Today was a half day?

"Hey buba, what's going on out there?" You asked softly. He was sobbing and panicked. You could barley make out what he was saying. After all, he had a little bit of a speech problem. Crying didn't help. "D-daddy's... d... d-drunk*sniff* mo..mommy*sob* mom, s-she hit dad..h-he's really mad... he pushed her.. s... sh-she's, d-drunk..." Dillon sobs were really hard now. "Oh buba..." you hugged him. "I- I'm so so so sorry..." you said sad.

You wanted to do your drugs, but you couldn't push you brother out. He would have a panic attack. That wasn't even an option... you locked your door, got some stoles snacks out of your book bag, made a blanket cave, and watched YouTube. While Dillon try's to calm down, laying on your lap hiccuping and sucking his thumb.

He fell asleep. The fight was still going on, but it was calmed down. No more screms and crys. Just small talk between them. Living with a bipolar drug attic, alcoholic, dad wasn't easy. Or a depressed mom whose also a alcoholic. Not the easiest, I'll tell you that. Also a little brother whose 8 and had ADD and anxiety.

Wasn't to long before you picked up Dillon and placed him next to you snuggled in your bed. You thankfully had your blanket that you had since you were born from your nanny. But of course, you hid the drugs...

•ok so that was pt2. How was it?
•also kinda true story just stretched out more like the drugs except I was 11 and Dillon was 6 1/2...

Bai my sinners! Oh do like my new style of writing? It's not just fanfics!! Baiiiii!! <3

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