Chapter 1

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It was a typical night at the movies with Carrie Jones and Erin Ross. They have been best friends since kindergarten and have never left each other's sides. They are both 19 carrie jones has brown hair and brown eyes, erin Ross has strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes, and just moved from Florida to California because of college. When they were at the movies they went and saw "death by the blood" a brand new scary movie that just came out. But they were the only people in the movies.

We were in the very back of the movie theater when two guys walk in and start to stare and whisper. So we did the same

Carrie- what do u think they are talking about?

Erin- idk but they keep staring at us

Carrie- wait their coming towards us in different directions.

JC- let's go on both sides on them and sit down so they can't run away. Hopefully they will laugh

Kian- ok Lego

Erin- umm Carrie should we run

Carrie- HECK TO THE NO look at them!

Erin- wait wait wait is that KIAN AND JC

Carrie- OMG THEY ARE COMING TOWARDS US... shut up Erin and ack natural


JC- did you hear that

Kian- ohh yea I did

JC- lets go mess go mess around with them act we didn't hear them scream

JC and Kian- hello ladies

Carrie and Erin- hey.. (Erin cuts Carrie off)

Erin- HI JC AND KIAN I mean.. Hey what's up people I don't know the names of

(The guys laughed)

Kian- so are y'all here alone?

Carrie- yep we wanted to get scared and cuddle but idk if we can anymore with out y'all laughing at us...

Erin- me and Carrie gotta go to take to the um um bathroom... Yea the bathroom.

Carrie- we do (Erin shoves her in the chest area) ok fine brb guys

Is it love? ( JC Caylen and Kian Lawley )Where stories live. Discover now