Chapter 16

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Last part of chapter 15


Erin- shut up here's the key use the back not the front


(So the guys went to Erin and carries house)

(Kian went and got Erin's stuff and JC went and got carries stuff)

Kian- WOW erin has a lot of clothes

JC- so dose Carrie

(Kian got a text from Erin hey grab my iPad for me please)

(Kian text back ok got it)

JC- ok let's go



Carrie- you go take a shower first I will wait

Erin- ok brb

(Connor comes in hey need anything he said?)

Carrie- nope I'm good thanks

Connor- ok see you when y'all get out

(Jc and kian get back)

Kian- hey are they out yet

Sam- nope not yet

Trevor- they take long showers

(JC and kian go check on the girls)

Kian- are y'all ok

carrie- YEA!!!!

kian- why do yall take so long? yesh

carrie- hey now! girls have to shave, rinse their hear TWICE, wash our bodies , and we have too blow dry our hair. what do yall do... oh yea wash your bodies and rise your hair...

kian- fine whatever you win... (whispers to JC) how do girls always win those fights...

JC- i dont know but guys always win horse play fights!( loud enough for carrie and erin to hear)

erin- shut up JC!

carrie- dont be mean!

erin- i wasnt

JC- wait are yall in the same shower...

carrie- NO! im brushing my hair and she is taking her shower.

JC- oh i was bout to say

(after the girls were done with their shower)

JC- are yall done i need to take my shower

carrie- yea we are getting dressed

-the girls walk out in foot pajamas that were covered with unicorns)

trevor- uhh what are yall wearing

erin- their called footy pajamas

carrie- yea their really comfortable yall should get some!!

sam- im up for that im going to walmart

-the rest of them went to walmart except for Jc and the girls-

sam- we got the FOOTIES!!

carrie- lol go give one to JC

sam- JC put this on

JC- what the crap is this?

trevor- its called footy pajamas we are all wearing them just put it on

- they all walked in the room at the same time when they all busted out laughing at each other-

- jcs is blue with clouds all over it, trevor has a green footy with puppies on it, kians is yellow with butter flyies, connors is red with racecars, sams is pink with rainbows on it., rickys is orange and says diva all over it,-

carrie- yes gurllll dat it some cute FOOTIES!!!!

erin- i agree with carrie yall are killing dem FOOTIES!!!!

JC- yea yea ok you had your laughs can we go watch a movie again!


ricky- im with connor

sam- me too

trevor- me too

erin- fine lets go to the living room floor

-they walk to the living room-

kian- trevor truth or dare

trevor- dare

kian-i dare you too... french kiss wishbone!

JC- no dont make my dog go through that torrture

trevor- hey im not that bad at it let me show you...

JC-no im good im really ok

trevor- what i was gonna show carrie

carrie- hold up i want him to do it to the dog now!!

JC- he has a name...

carrie- sorry- wishbone come here!-

trevor-( eww he is bad at this)

trevor- ricky i dare you to hold 3 people on you back and let them ride you like a pony at the same time

ricky- oh i dont have a choice?

trevor- no this is dare or dare now

ricky- ugh fine but im picking carrie,erin and you,

( they all go over to ricky and sit on his back, piggyback style)

JC- dont get to comfortable

Ricky- man yall are heavy- falling flat on the ground-

erin- so yall are calling us fat

kian- wow see you say one thing and they see it as something different'

ricky- and no im not calling yall fat its just that 3 people on my back its kinda heavy

JC- i doubt it

carrie- well lets see DOG PILE

Is it love? ( JC Caylen and Kian Lawley )Where stories live. Discover now