Not a Word

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He heard, from the conversation his brother and his alternate were having in the kitchen, that Blue was finally speaking again, giving detailed accounts of what happened at random intervals, where he looked blank, not knowing he was actually speaking. Not a lot of detail of his captors, though, other than scales that gleamed like blades.

He overheard it because his magic was failing, leading to random dusting, due to the lack of food he'd eaten. After too much fell from his already fragile and thin bones, he managed to push himself out.

Before he could leave, Boss was scooping him up into his arms, concern twisting his scarred face.

"You feel a lot fucking lighter, brother!"

Cherry felt sick. He said nothing.

"...I suppose you haven't eaten... For a while, actually... I'll make you something," Boss tried, giving his best smile as he deposited him into a chair. Cherry didn't look up.

He didn't speak.

He heard the two talking, about Blue... And about him... But it didn't register.

He didn't look up.

He didn't speak.

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