Rain Drops

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"Saved who?"

Zane's POV

Jumping up from my seat I turn around quickly, going so fast that I slip off the bench and fall on my butt. Smooth Zane. I hear small chuckles come from the person ahead of me and I can't help but feel somewhat embarrassed. I groan and look up, green eyes meeting my blue ones. White hair blew in the wind and he had a painted on smile. My eyes dart around the scenery, looking around frantically as I stood up. I brushed myself off and wiped the remaining tears, I felt water hit my head. Quickly, raindrops began to fall. Seems like the sky is crying for me. I stand there in silence as the other moves around the bench. I tense up as he comes closer, please don't come any closer. He quickly pulls out an umbrella, and with a quick pop he holds it over both our heads. He smiles warmly, my heart melts. He motions to the bench and we both take a seat, still remaining silent. Minutes past where we just sit in silence, I am slouching once more, and his back is straight. He finally speaks, his voice raspy as if he had just woken up.

"Who did you want to save...?" He asked with hesitation in his voice, as if he didn't want to invade my personal space. I respect that, it's kind of him to be so understanding. I pause before speaking, I need to come up with a believable lie. I got it!

"My Pinkie cake doll! By now you probably know that I play with pony dolls since Aph probably told ya, I dropped my doll in the uh..." C'mon Zane think fast, before he gets suspicious.

"In the garbage disposal!" I laugh nervously, Irene save me from my horrible lying.

He doesn't say anything, he just remains silent. It's somewhat creepy how silent he is acting...does he know something is up? He isn't that smart, so I thought he'd be easy to trick.

"I know you think I'm not smart...and that I'm easy to trick.." Woah mind reader. I open my mouth to speak and respond but her cuts me off by talking more.

"I know more then you think..." He mutters, looking down at the grass below us. He kicks a rock and it goes flying ahead, I watch as it crashes to the ground...and breaks. Kind of like me. He looks over at me, still holding the umbrella over both of us.

"For example...I know you're lying.." He says, his smile still not fading. What is wrong with him!? He's being so creepy and ominous and the smile is just making it worse. He chuckles slightly, what's so funny jerk!?

"I know we don't talk much..hey! I think this is the longest conversation we've ever had...but I know you well enough to know when you're not telling the truth..." That's it! I'm done with him assuming he knows me. We barely talk and now he thinks he is an all knowing super god, yeah well guess what buddy!? You're not! I clench my fists, nails digging into my palms. I stand up swiftly, causing him to move back in surprise. I bring my index finger out and point it against his chest, making him move back slightly.

"Don't assume you know me Travis...You know nothing! You're an idiot! And I don't see what you're trying to do here acting all buddy buddy with me cause guess what!? We're never going to be friends, so stop acting so nice to me. I don't deserve your kindness, I don't deserve anything..." I yell, mumbling the last part. Tears pricked my eyes once more as lightning boomed behind me. The rain made all my clothes stick to me and my face was soaking wet. Travis did nothing, he didn't even blink. He just stared at me, as if he was glaring into my soul. I narrow my eyes and cross my arms, his smile still didn't fade. After everything I just said to him...he's still smiling. How strange...

He finally opens his mouth to speak, standing up as he does so. He dropped the umbrella and pulled me into a warming embrace. My body stiffens as he speaks softly.

"I get it...you will tell me when your ready. That can be now, or it can be never...Either way it's up to you and I will not pressure you into anything...I'm sorry.." I don't get it. I'm the one who snapped at him and said all those awful things and he is saying sorry? Makes no sense to me. He pulls away from the hugs and hands me the umbrella, sticking it in my right hand.

"Make sure not to get anymore wet on the way home..." He waves goodbye and shoves his hands in his pockets, did he just give me his umbrella. What a strange man...I never realized until now how interesting he really is. There is still much I don't know and understand about him. But for the first time in what felt like forever I can finally smile...because of him.


(A/N): Sorry this chapter is shorter ;-;

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