this is a greeting
and a salutation
all at once.
i have spent 9 lives
you'd notice me in the folds and edges of the night,
i could kiss you in the backseat of your car
and trace your body like a sculptor's forgotten statue.
i had become a director: pristine images, jump cuts and Lorde like falsities;
we are not a dream.
i lay awake in cool darkness and damp sheets
wishing i was ensnared in your heartstrings,
writing about my burning desires
when you were right there.
and i know now, that i might have you someday.
i might have you now.
i am a kid with too little memories and too big dreams
but you aren't a dream anymore. i can see you;
front row, full screen, big picture.
i hope that i never have to see the end credits
and i hope that when i kiss you for the first time,
i am sober. i want to love you sober
and feel raw ecstasy where my blood once was.