Chapter Eleven

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Harry was surprised to find himself alone at breakfast the next morning. He had already determined that Malfoy was an early riser, but he hadn't realised that he had become used to having Malfoy at the table with him.

When he finished, he went into the living room to begin looking through the books they had brought back yesterday and realised that Malfoy was already awake.

"Morning," Malfoy said without looking up from Salazar Slytherin's journal. Harry looked at the pile of books next to him and wondered what the chances were that Malfoy had already read them all. "Start reading, Potter," Malfoy said, destroying his hopes.

Harry sat down with a sigh and picked up the book at the top of the stack.

"The Salem Witch Trials?" Harry read out loud, looking up at Malfoy dubiously.

"One of the largest magic exposures in Muggle history," Malfoy said, marking his place and looking up at Harry. "Witches and wizards everywhere were desperate to stop it before it became worse. I imagine that some of them would have sought powerful objects to help them. And that author is particularly keen on the history of dark artifacts, so his recording of the trials may have a bias." He turned back to his book.

Harry decided to simply accept that he was out of his depth when it came to Malfoy and Hermione, and set to searching for any mention of cloaks, stones or wands.

After an hour of fighting to stay awake, Harry was thrilled to see Edgar fly in through the open window. He reached up and almost snatched Edgar out of the air, eagerly grabbing the package from his claws. Edgar gave a relieved hoot and flew off to his perch for owl treats and water.

Malfoy watched curiously as Harry ripped open the package. A shiny red and gold book dropped into his lap. Harry nearly groaned at the sight of another book until he saw the title: Seeker Training Manual. There was a piece of parchment in the front cover.

I was pleased to hear from you, Harry, Krum wrote. I have always said that your talent as a Seeker should not go to waste. I have recommended you to my captain, who will pass on his regards to the English quidditch captain. With luck, you may hear from them. In the meantime, please accept this training manual, which will hopefully prepare you for the level of skill required as a professional Seeker. It will take more than just raw talent, so practice well. - Krum.

"Brilliant!" Harry exclaimed picking the book up and turning it over.

"Don't get distracted now, Potter," Malfoy warned, although his eyes were bright with interest as he eyed the book in Harry's hands. "Work before play."

Harry passed over the book and the note for Malfoy to look at.

"So this is why you've been interested in practicing?" Malfoy said. He looked up at Harry curiously. "I thought you were going into Auror training."

Harry shrugged. "I thought about it." he hesitated. "But I think I've had enough danger for now." He pulled a face and added drily, "it would be nice to focus on something I enjoy, instead of, you know, saving the world."

Malfoy eyed him speculatively. "I would have thought you'd jump at the chance to play hero again," he said.

Harry snorted. "You really never knew me very well, did you?"

Malfoy raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. He put the book down next to him. "Now, Potter, you can have a break in an hour," he said, adopting a teacher's tone.

Harry rolled his eyes and turned to pick up his book again, before realising that another piece of parchment had fallen out of the packaging. "It's from Ron and Hermione," he said, beaming as he picked up the scroll.

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